Birthday Special

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(Ok, I know I said this was on pause, but I just had to make a chapter for Luffy's birthday. But after this, it will resume on pause temporarily.
And technically his birthday was yesterday in Japan, but here in America, it's today soooo 😗)

Warnings: None
Reader Gender: Neutral

Today was a very special day, because today, was Luffy's birthday. Captain of the Strawhats, was born this day, and the crew wanted to do something special for their captain. They wanted Luffy's birthday to be a surprise, so it had to be someone's job to keep him occupied until everything was ready. Who's job was it? Why, none other than Y/n's of course! "Wait, why me?" They asked the crew. "Because you and Luffy are the closest, so he would go along with you without question." Said the ship's navigator. "Why do I have the feeling that there is more to it than that..." Y/n mutters. They suspected that the crew somehow knew about their crush on their captain. Y/n made sure to keep their feelings hidden as best as they possibly could. With a sigh, Y/n agreed to keep Luffy away while the crew sets everything up. Now they just had to figure out, how?

Meanwhile, the captain of the crew was chilling out on his favorite part of the ship. The head of the ship, the Sunny's head. It was a spot for him and only for him. His day started off pretty good, because of his birthday, Sanji made him his favorite food for breakfast. Which filled him up nicely, leading to him taking a nap on the Sunny's head. His straw hat rests on his face, blocking the sun from his eyes. He was only woken up by someone calling for him. "Luuuufy! Wake up!" Luffy grumbled and moved his hat from his face. He sat up and looked down from his spot. "Hm? Oh, Y/n!" Luffy puts on his hat before jumping down onto the deck. "What's up?"

"You wanna do something fun?" Y/n asks with a smile. Luffy matches their smile. "Well duh! What are we gonna do? Tag? Fishing? Fighting?" You shook your head to his guesses. "No, none of that. We're gonna do something fun off deck today. Is there anything you can think of doing?" They asked. Luffy took a minute to think before he came up with something. "Oh! Could we go exploring the island?" He asks. The crew had just landed on an island yesterday. It was pretty pleasant island, with a nice town and lots of shops. There had to be something there that could keep Luffy's attention long enough for the crew to ready the party. "Sounds good! Let's go." You began walking. "Wait, what about the rest of the crew?" Luffy asks. "Oh, I asked them before if they wanted to come down to the island, they were all busy." Y/n lies, hoping he wouldn't pry for more. "Oh, ok. Just you and me today!" Luffy chuckles before following them.

"Just you and me today." That made your smile grow. "Yep. Just you and me."

While on the island, Luffy found plenty of restaurants and food vendors. Which, took quite the toll on your money. Nami was defiantly going to kill you now. Though, you didn't mind too much, it was all for Luffy. And right now, he was happy, and that made you happy. And really, that's all you cared about. But Luffy made sure not to leave you out, he made sure you got to explore a bit yourself. Hours had passed since then, and now you and Luffy were heading back to the Sunny. The way this day was playing out, it kinda felt like a date. Your cheeks turned red, you quickly shook your head to clear your thoughts. No, this wasn't a date. This was for Luffy. "This was really great Y/n! Thanks for taking me out for my birthday." Said Luffy, snapping you out of you're thoughts. "Of course. I'm glad you had a good time Luffy. But, the days isn't over just yet."

"Really?" Luffy says, excitement coating his tone. "There's more?" You chuckle. "Yep. But you have to close your eyes first before we get back on the ship ok?" Luffy nods and closes his eyes, though he would take a peek every now and then. "Luffy!" You smirk. "I see that."

"See what? I'm keeping my eyes closed." Luffy mutters. He was always bad at lying. You roll your eyes before reaching up and covering his own eyes with your hands. "Now let's go." You lead Luffy into the ship and on the deck, where everyone was waiting. The deck was covered in decorations, streamers and balloons. Sanji had even made all of Luffy's favorite dishes as well as a huge tasty looking cake. The words "Happy Birthday Luffy" written in red icing. They all gave you a thumbs up. You nod and uncover Luffy's eyes, before he could process anything, the entire crew yelled out:


Luffy was taken back by the sudden surprise, but it was short lived. "You guys did all this?" He asks. "Oh course we did." Said Nami. "You're our captain after all." Zoro smirks. "You deserve it after everything you've done for us." Sanji takes another puff from his cigarette. Usopp puts an arm around Luffy and gives him a noogie. "It is your special day after all cap'!" He chuckles. "A SUUUUPER special day!" Franky says while doing his classic pose. "Yeah! Happy birthday Luffy!" Chopper matches Franky's pose. "We hope you enjoy it." Robin smiles softly. "Yohohoho! I think this calls for a song!" Brook pulls out his violin and plays a cheerful tune.

Luffy felt tears prick at his eyes. "You guys...thank you." He smiles brightly. Y/n hugs him tightly. "Happy birthday. We love you Luffy." Luffy hugs you back. "I love you all too. Now let's party!"

And they did, the entire night was filled with drinking, eating, and laughter. To the crew, Luffy couldn't compare to any other captain, so today had to be perfect. They wanted to show their appreciation to their captain. After all, he's done so much for them over the years all out of the kindness of his heart. Even when he could down right irritating at times, they could never ask for a better captain.

And Luffy could never ask for a better crew. This birthday really was the best one he's ever had...

(Happy birthday Luffy, you little dork ❤️❤️❤️)

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