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Warnings: Body insecurity
Reader Gender: Female

You would catch yourself staring at your two female crew mates a lot. You wouldn't mean to of course. But you just couldn't help it. Nami, the ship's navigator and Robin, the ship's archaeologist, were just so beautiful. What stood out most about the two women, was their figures. Slim, and busty. It's what kept all the men begging for their attention. And you had to admit, you were captivated by their looks. Jealous even. While they had slim figures, you had a chubby one. You were shorter and chubbier, therefore, you thought you were less attractive. At least, that's how everyone around you saw it. Normally, you wouldn't have as much of a problem with it. But, you just so happened to have a crush on your lovable captain. What makes it even more of a problem, is that you could never tell with your captain. You never knew if he had feelings for women, or men, or anyone in between. And even if he did, why would he want to be with someone as chubby as you? That thought ran through your head nearly everyday.

And so with that, you wore more baggy clothing. To hide whatever pudge that may show. You even went as far as to avoid your captain, maybe then, your feelings would subside, and you finally go back to the way things were before falling for him. But of course, your captain noticed your new strange behavior. It surprised you at times, how someone so dense can pick up subtlety if he really payed attention. It would usually happen regarding his own crew members. You hated it at times, when you wanted to keep your feelings to yourself. Though, that was not an option this day.

"Hey Nami!" He calls for his navigator. "What is it now Luffy?" She scowls slightly. Nami had just been enjoying some quiet time, and here her annoying captain was, ruining it. "What's been going on with Y/n? She hasn't been talking to me at all!" Luffy pouts. "Well, did you make her upset?" Nami asks. "Did I??" He panics. "I wouldn't know! She never mentions anything to me! Just ask her yourself!" Nami says sternly. Despite what she told him, Nami did know why you were so upset. Call it a girl's intuition, but it was clear by the way you hid your body, and how you would act around Luffy, that there was something wrong. "If you say so..." Luffy mutters. "Do you know where she is? I haven't seen her all day."

"She's probably in our room." Nami informs him. Luffy nods and quickly thanks her before running off to the women's quarters.

Meanwhile, inside of the women's room. You were examining your own body, you were currently only in your underwear and bra. Poking at the soft flesh around your stomach and thighs. With a heavy sigh you tear your eyes away. Sorrow started to fill your mind, you hated the way your body looked. Every time you saw it, the giggle in your arms and legs made you cringe. You've tried so many times to loose the weight, you even ate less at dinner. Anytime you were asked why you ate so little than before, you came up with a new excuse every time. They wouldn't buy it for much longer, soon the crew would find out. You dreaded the day they would, the day he would. That made you sicker than anything else, the fact that Luffy would want to know what's going on with you. It was embarrassing, and you hated it. With another sigh you turned away from the mirror and grabbed your shirt. Just before you could put it on, the door to the bedroom slammed open, causing you to yelp in shock. "Y/n! Why are you ignoring me!?" The voice was all too familiar. It was your captain, Luffy, who demanded to know why you had been avoided him.

It was like hundreds of alarms set off in your head at once. "L-Luffy!? Get out! I-I'm not dressed!" You hid yourself with your shirt as best as you could. Though, you were more concerned with your figure more than the fact that you were half naked. "Not until you answer my question!" Luffy scowls. "Ok ok! Just stop looking at me...please..." You held back a whimper. Crying wasn't going to make things any better. "Eh? Why? Nami wears those things all the time. I think Robin does too." Luffy says, referring to your bra. "Luffy!!" You cover your face. "What?? Uh, Y/n? Why are you crying?" He takes a step close to you. "Stop looking at me. Please Luffy." Your sniffles were muffled by your hands. Luffy walks closer to you before wordlessly wrapping his arms around you. "What are you doing?" You look up at him. "Hugging you, duh. You're upset, though I don't understand why." With another sniffle you speak.

"Isn't it obvious? Just look at me, I'm...I look awful." You whimper. Luffy pulls back and stares at you. "You don't look any different than you usually do." Luffy says bluntly. "You still look like you. You're not awful." You shake you head. "How can you say that? My body isn't like Nami, or Robin, or any other women. They're all skinny and beautiful, while I'm chubby and ugly." Luffy frowns at your words. "You're not ugly, Y/n!" He says sternly. "And so what if you're chubby? That's doesn't make you any different from Nami or Robin or anyone else!"

"What do you mean? Chubby isn't attractive." You mutter. "I don't know what attains has to do with it." Luffy raises an eyebrow. "But you are certainly not ugly. And you being chubby doesn't change anything about who you are. You're Y/n. You're nice, funny, and strong! Most certainly not ugly or anything else bad!" His words only made you cry harder. You really did love him. "Y/n? Why are you crying again? Did I make you upset? Is that why you were avoiding me?" Luffy shakes you slightly. "N-no Luffy. I was avoiding you cause, I have f-feelings for you and...I thought you wouldn't feel the same cause of how I look." You admit.

Luffy looks down at you silently for a moment. "Y/n? Do you like me?" Luffy wasn't as dumb as a lot of people would think. Despite his nature, he did know what it meant to love someone. You nod and hid your face into his chest. Luffy hold on you became tighter. "And you thought I wouldn't like you because of your body?" He began to laugh. "Silly Y/n! Who cares about that? I like you for you! Not your body!" He says as if you should already know that. You look up at him with glossy eyes. "You do? Do you mean that?" You ask. "Of course!" Luffy smiles brightly.

You couldn't help but smile as well. "Thank you Luffy." You say softly. Luffy chuckles and kisses the top of your head, before hugging you tightly again. Luffy really was one the kindest people you knew, and you loved him so much for it.

I dare you to change my mind. Love yourself, because you're so much more than your body.

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