Why Do You Love Me?

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Warnings: None, pure fluff
Reader Gender: Neutral

It was times like this you loved he most about your relationship with your loyal captain. The times when he would wrap his stretchy limbs around you, making sure you felt secure and comforted. The sound of his soft breathing, calming any bad thoughts you may have had. The way he would gently rub circles on your back. Times like this with him, was your absolute favorite. You loved this, and you loved him. For so many reasons. Sometimes, you would be asked just why, you love him so much. Your captain, wasn't the brightest of people. I'm fact, he would often make brash and irresponsible decisions, that would sometimes result in him getting hurt or nearly killed.

Then when it came to his appetite, his stomach was like a bottomless pit. He could be given 3 huge meals, fit for a royal feast, and he would still ask for more. Your captain truly was a monster in that sense. And then, there were moments, as rare as they were, when his rage would take over all sense of reason. It was frightening, horrifying even. But never, would he ever take his anger out on his loved ones. Speaking of his loved ones, he cared more about them than anyone else, including himself. He would gladly give his own life, if it meant his loved ones would be spared and kept safe. There truly want anything he wouldn't do for them. But above all that, he loved you, the most. But why? You would always wonder. Why did he love you so much?

"Luffy?" You tilt your head up to face him. Luffy hums in response, his eyes still closed. "Why do you love me so much?" Luffy opens his eyes and looks down at you. "What kind of question is that?" He asked, as if you should already know why he loves you. "Come on, please tell me. I know you love me, but I wanna know why." Luffy untangles his arms enough to just have them rest on your lower back. "What's not to love about you?" Luffy looks you in the eyes, and smiles warmly. "Your eyes sparkle like the ocean." He moves his hand up to your head, and starts petting it softly. "And your hair, is so soft." His hands moves to your cheeks. "And, you're so cute and nice and wonderful and strong and cool. I couldn't have asked for anyone better than you." You felt tears pool in your eyes. "Luffy..." You whimper slightly. "I love you so much." You lean up and plant a kiss on his lips. Luffy smiles and returns the kiss. You pull back and hug him tightly.

"I love you for so many reason too." You say. "You are the most kindest, most open hearted person I've ever met. I couldn't have asked for a better captain and lover. I'm so grateful that you asked me to join your crew. I can never forget the kind words you told me. I think it was that moment, I fell in love with you. Luffy, I love you so much." Luffy chuckles and hugs you back just as tightly.

"I can't wait for you to become my queen one day." Luffy whispers. "I love you so much, Y/n..."

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