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Warning(s): Sexual content, sexual situations
Reader: She/Her

(This is part two of No Need.)

It's been almost two weeks since Y/n and Luffy tried having sex, Luffy got a little overwhelmed and needed to stop, otherwise they might have actually gone through with it. Luffy was relieved that Y/n wasn't upset with him. If anything, she was more than understanding. However, Luffy felt like he could have toughed it out for her, he wanted to experience what sex was really like. But he had no idea where or how to begin.

And so, he went to his friends for help, like the shameless person he was. He was quite open about his relationship with Y/n, but he did keep some things private for her sake, after she gave him the silent treatment for embarrassing her that one time...

His friends were a bit shocked to hear Luffy of all people asking about how sex works. He went to them one by one asking, each time getting different answers. As well as almost getting a beating from Sanji for quote "tainting Y/n-Chan's purity". Whatever that meant.

He was still confused, so he eventually went to the internet for answers. What he found is what some of his more mature friends had told him.

To be respectful, asking for consent for certain things, and being patient with your partner. All that good stuff.

But then he found something new...

"Fingering?" Luffy raised an eyebrow at the word. He kept reading, feeling his heart skip a beat occasionally when he thought about Y/n in this kind of position. "Does it really feel that good? Would she feel that good?" He paid close attention to just what do to and how to do it, mimicking the finger movements as he did so.
(this is so embarrassing)

Then he saw something that really caught his attention. "Eating...out?" Luffy muttered. "I have to eat her!? What the hell kind of sight is this!?" He scrolled, his confusion clearing as he read on. He was close, he would be eating her...but in a different way. It was more than preferable to not use his teeth, but instead, just his tongue.

It then made Luffy think, just how good would Y/n taste? Pretty good, he thought, of course she would taste good! Now he was excited to try this out on Y/n! But first, he had to keep reading up on what to do.

Back at Y/n's home, she was sitting alone just doing whatever, bored out of her mind. Her boredom would soon come to an end when she received a text from her boyfriend, Luffy. It read-

'I'm outside! Lemme in!'

Y/n rolled her eyes with a giggle before walking to the front door and opening it, and just like Luffy said, he was there phone still in hand. "Hey!" Luffy greeted her with his same goofy grin. "Hi Luffy. You know you could have just knocked?"

"Then how would you know it's me?"

"Because I would ask-Ah you know what, never mind. Come on in." Y/n let him inside before closing the door behind him. "So what brings you by so suddenly?" She asked. "Hm? Oh yeah...uh, I wanted to tell you something." Luffy avoids her gaze. Odd...Luffy rarely ever hesitates. "Uh-huh. Like what?" Y/n asked again. Still Luffy would not look at her, it was almost like he was...nervous? Now this has gone into full blown uncanny valley.

"Luffy..." Y/n walked closer to him, holding onto his hands with her own. "Whatever it is, I won't be upset." Luffy gave her a confused look. "I didn't do anything bad!" He defended. "Oh? Then why are you acting all nervous? I've haven't seen you like this in a very long time." Luffy bit his lower lip as he thought about what to say, before finally sighing. "I was thinking about last time...when we tried...you know?"

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