I'm Right Here

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(I'm back! There are new stories in the works including a sequel to Bloom |Luffy x Reader|. But while you guys wait for those, I'll be making a few more chapters to this oneshot book. But the updates might be a little slow, ngl...

Warnings: Panic attacks, intrusive thoughts
Reader: They/Them

It didn't happen often, but when it did, it hit you hard. You would just be enjoying your day, then all of sudden your chest would tighten, and breath would falter, and everything just seemed so loud and overwhelming. It was scary. And you didn't have anyone to comfort you. Why? Well, when you felt these panic attacks coming, you would excuse yourself and hide away in your room. You didn't want your friends to see you like this, to see you in such a vulnerable state.

You exhaled shakily, your arms wrapped tightly around your waist. Your mind was clouded over with unbearably loud static, your focus was nowhere and everywhere all at once. Every little thing that would set you off did. The creaking of the ship as it rocked with the ocean, to the way the blanket that covered your whole body would shift, brushing up against your leg, to the way your breathing would seemingly stop for a second. It all drove you insane, and only made the situation more dire. But no one could know about this. You were too ashamed about what the crew would think, and how much they would worried over you. You knew that they all cared about you deeply, but you just couldn't let them know. Especially not-

The door to your room opened, making you choke out a sharp gasp. Instantly regretting it you covered your mouth and just preyed that whoever was there, would just think you were asleep and leave. But unfortunately for you, that's not what happened...


Oh god. Not him. Of all people, why did it have to be him that found you?

"Y/n, you're under there right? What are you doing hiding?" His footsteps grew louder as he approached your bed.

You didn't answer.

"Y/n? Everyone is looking for you. Why did you run off like that?"

Not a word. He was getting closer.

"Are you sick?"

Closer. And closer. Until he finally reached out and grabbed onto the blanket. You couldn't take it anymore. You jerked the blanket off of you and shot up in your bed. "Y/n?" To your dismay, you were met face to face with your captain, Luffy. He was the last person you wanted seeing you like this, you never wanted him knowing about these moments. Why? Because of all people, Luffy would worry the most. You were part of his crew, his nakama, his family. If anything was wrong, he would be the first to try and do something about it. It broke your heart to see him so worked up and worried, you were causing worry, it was your fault.

You couldn't hold back the labored breaths. "Y/n, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" Luffy questioned. You shook your head, your hand clutches tightly on your chest. "Y/n!" Luffy held your shoulders. "Talk to me Y/n! What's wrong!?" You jerked in his arms, this wasn't helping. He noticed this and let up a little. What could he do to help you? He's never felt with something like this before. Without thinking he wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him. You didn't move this time, instead you moved closer into him, if that was possible. Your labored breathing persisted however. "Y/n..." Luffy's voice was low and calming. "You have to calm down, breath." He rubbed your back gently. You nod and breath in deeply then exhaled, you repeated this until your breathing was under your control again.

"I'm right here, Y/n." Luffy says softly. You hid your face in his neck, and stayed there as your shaking calmed down. Both you and Luffy stayed in silence for a moment.

"Are you ok?" Luffy asks. You nod, not moving away from him. "What happened?"

"I...I don't know." Your voice cracked. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?" Luffy asks. "I-I didn't want you to see me like t-this. To see me so pathetic..." You sniffle. Luffy shifts, changing his position on the bed. He held you up and laid back against the headboard before laying your head on his chest. One hand was on your head and the other on your mid back. His warmth continued to sooth you further. "Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks. You sigh deeply, might as well. He's already seen it happen.

"Panic attacks." You start. "They just...come out of nowhere. And it's terrifying, I have no idea when or where it will happen, and when it does, it's just so...it's too much to handle. I wish there was something I could do to make it stop. But I can't." You whimper.

"How long has this been happening?" Luffy asks. "A long time." You answer. Luffy brought you along as he sat up. He looked you in the eyes, all seriousness present. "Y/n. I don't want you hiding this from me anymore. Anytime you feel like this, you come find me. Got it?"

"Heh, is that a captain's order?" You laugh weakly. Luffy smiles then wipes a stray tear from your face. "Yes. And it's because I care about you. You're gonna get through this, Y/n. You're strong, and I wouldn't have asked you to join my crew if you weren't strong."

"Yeah. I guess you wouldn't have." You smile. "Thank you Luffy." Luffy kisses your forehead softly as he murmured.

"Anytime Y/n."

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