How Could He?

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Warnings: Cheating, Angst
Reader Pronouns: They/Them

(Also, quick A/N: Do NOT take anything written in this chapter to heart! You are all absolutely wonderfully beautiful people! Anything written in this chapter is sorely made for angst appeal! I love you all❤️)

None of the members of the straw hat crew expected their captain to have fallen in love. And none of them expected that the person he loved would love him back. But of all things, no one would expect that he would do something so cruel as to betray the love of someone else. It all started when you noticed that Luffy had been paying more attention to Nami, the ship's navigator. At first, you didn't think anything of it. Nami was one of the first members on the crew, so naturally Luffy would hang around her...right? He did the same with Zoro too but, the way he looked at Nami, the way he made something deep inside of you stir. You wanted to as him about it, but you did want to seem overly paranoid. After all, it could be nothing.

At least, that's how it starts. It always starts with, "oh I'm probably just being paranoid", but the fear of paranoia goes away quickly, when your boyfriend started getting a little too friendly with someone else. To the point, of him making excuses to hang around Nami more and more. And slowly, your insecurities became more and more evident. Unlike you, Nami had a gorgeous figure. Unlike you, Nami had long flowing hair, that rivaled the sun. Unlike you, Nami was beautiful. Nami was everything you will never be, no matter how hard you tried. And so, you accepted defeat. Luffy was no longer yours. But the least he could do, was let you go. He clearly didn't love you anymore. Why did you even bother to stick around?

That night you decided it was best to leave the crew al together. You loved them all, but you couldn't stand the idea of seeing Luffy and Nami together in the same way you and him use to be. You quietly gathered your things before looking back at a sleeping Nami. You didn't hate her. You wish you could, but you didn't. It wasn't Nani's fault. Luffy was the one the at left you, Nami just so happened to be the one he left you for. It's not like she deliberately caused the heartbreak you felt. You left the room and snuck out of the ship. With one last glance at the ship that held so many memories as well as the people you loved so dearly, you walked away.

You couldn't stop the tears that fell down your cheeks. The only question on your mind was...why? Why did Luffy leave you? He said that he loved you, so why? Why would he fall out of love with you, and in love with Nami? Was it because he knew her longer? Was it because you couldn't add up to her? You couldn't understand. Just...why?

You didn't get much further before you heard someone calling after you. "Y/n!!" You stopped dead in your tracks, the voice that called out for you could only belong to one person. "Luffy..." You whisper, not turning to meet him. You would run, but he would just catch you, easily. His foot steps slowed as he approached you. "Where are you going? Why did you leave?" Your fists clenched together tightly. You turned to face him, your eyes full of rage and sorrow. He wanted to know why you were leaving!? What kind of stupid question was that!? Why are you leaving!? "Because I'm sick of seeing you fawn over Nami like a lovesick dumbass in front of me! Do you have any idea how much that hurts!? You said you loved me! Not Nami! Not anyone else! Why!? Why are you doing this to me!? What could I have possibly done, other than love and support you endlessly, for you to leave me for someone else!?" You sobbed. Luffy was shocked by your rage, he had never seen you so angry before. Your shaking fists slowly released. "I know...I know that you've known Nami longer than me. And I know she's prettier than me. But if you loved her...then why did you choose me?" You wiped the tears from your eyes. "You've hurt me so badly Luffy. You never hurt anyone you loved even said it yourself. That you would never hurt the ones you loved. And hurt me. How could you?"

Luffy was left speechless. It was all true, what you said. All of it was true. And he had no excuse. "You can have her, because I'm done. Goodbye Luffy." You turned and continued walking. This time, Luffy did not stop you...

Years had passed since that horrible night. You had eventually moved on with your life and met someone new. They made you forget about Luffy and how much he's hurt you, but deep down you could never forget him or the crew. You would sometimes wonder how they were doing. What they were doing, where were they going, and if they were still alive and well. No matter how upset you were with Luffy, you didn't wish harm upon him or his crew. You still loved them all, despite the hurt you still felt to this day. The person you were with now loved you dearly, and you tried your best to return that love...but you couldn't. Not really. Luffy was the only man you loved. There wouldn't be anyone else like him again. But that doesn't mean you had to suffer for the rest of your life. And who knew...maybe this time, your heart won't be broken. Maybe this time, you would be given the love you rightly deserved.

If only you knew, the heartbreak the straw hat crew felt when you left. If only you knew, the emptiness that resided in Luffy to this very day. If only he hadn't been so stupid. If only he had tried harder to stop you. Maybe, you would still be with him today. But there was nothing he could do now. He hoped you were well. Because he would never be the same again. Not without you. Even if he achieved his life long goal, it wouldn't mean a thing to him, without you by his side. He had no one to blame but himself. How could he have been so blind? How could he have been so stupid? How could he have been so reckless with your heart.

How could he...

(I hope you enjoyed! They'll be another version with an alternate ending for those who want a "happier" ending. Cause this shit hurted me 🥲)

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