Chapter 1: Quidditch World Cup

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Harry awoke to Hermione yelling for him to wake him up, it was a nightmare - about the Dark Lord. "It was just a bad dream," Hermione said, attempting to comfort him.

Harry tilted his head and blinked rapidly, rubbing his eyes, "When did you get here?" he asked, stretching.

"Just now," she said before turning around to wake up Ron. She mercilessly shook him and yelled at him until he awoke, startled but relieved when he realised it was just Hermione. She then demanded that the two of them hurry up and get ready as Molly Weasley had just prepared them breakfast before they left for their exciting journey ahead.

Everyone waved and said their goodbyes to Molly as they left the house, with heavy, packed camping bags on their backs. An hour later, once they were deep into the woods surrounding the house, a man emerged from the shadows and greeted everyone with warm smiles and shaking of hands.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone," Arthur Weasley said, introducing his friend and colleague to his family and other friends. A young man then jumped down from the trees above, looking very similar to Amos (if Amos was a young teenager of course) and shook hands with Arthur. "You must be Cedric!" Arthur exclaimed, patting him on the back as though they were great friends.

The group continued walking, Harry lagging a bit behind.

"Merlin's beard! You must be Harry Potter!" Amos exclaimed, shaking his hand, "Great pleasure!" he said before putting his arm around Harry's back and hurriedly leading him off to the others whilst also chatting his ears off.

As they approached the mountains in the distance, Amos pointed towards a single boot, just on the edge of the cliff they were standing on, "Ah, look! It's just over there!" Amos announced. He then instructed everyone to stand around the boot whilst a very confused Harry questioned these instructions. Amos then told everyone to put their hand on the boot as it was a "port key" which he explained to be a kind of teleportation device. "On the count of three," Amos said.

They all counted to three in unison, causing the boot to go round in circles, gradually getting faster, taking the Weasleys, Diggorys, Harry and Hermione with it. The boot proceeded to fly upwards as Amos told everyone to let go of the boot. Hermione was shocked and looked around for someone to confirm that was what she should be doing. After getting no consolidation, she took a deep breath and then let go with everyone else, screaming her lungs out. Everyone had a hard landing except Amos, Arthur and Cedric who seemed like they were "running" down from the sky to a soft landing.

Harry looked around and saw a limitless amount of tents and canopies that seemed to go for miles on end. However, there was an end- beyond all of the tents and canopies, there was a huge stadium (presumably where the games would be held). "Wow," Harry said simply.

Amos then began leading them into crowds of tents, wizards and witches, "Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" he announced, "Do keep up and don't get lost!" he warned as he led the stunned group through the huge amounts of people. A blonde-haired girl pushed past Hermione and then apologetically turned around, "Sorry, I'm just looking for my sister have you seen- oh, never mind!" she said before walking off towards a brown-haired girl. Hermione glanced at the brown-haired girl for a moment before brushing it off and continuing to point out outstanding and colourful things to Ginny.

The Diggorys then split up from the Weasleys and others to find their own tent, saying many goodbyes as they went. The rest continued onward until at last, "Ah, here it is!" Arthur exclaimed, pointing to a small tent that was not far away from where they were walking. Harry frowned, a confused look glazed upon his face- it certainly didn't look like it could fit all of them inside; maybe 2 children maximum. However, despite the impossibility of fitting in, they obediently went in upon Arthur's command. 

As it turned out, it was bigger on the inside (much bigger), Harry's eyes widened, "I love magic!" he muttered after accepting the possibility of the impossible in the Wizarding World. Everyone then fought over rooms and unpacked their bags, exploring the massiveness of the tent.

Just after having their dinner (which Molly had kindly made), an announcement sounded, "Here it is, folks, the moment you've all been waiting for. The tournament will begin in 30 minutes, get your snacks and drinks, friends and family and make your way up to the stadium to witness this year's Quidditch World Cup!" 

Arthur smiled and told everyone to get ready to head to the stadium, whilst grabbing the home-made drinks from a nearby table. Everyone excitedly gathered whatever they were taking, "This is going to be great!" Ron exclaimed as they began to leave the tent.


Dear reader, 

This is the fanfic I have been promising you for a while now, hope you enjoy! I'm sorry that I didn't include much Legacies in it but I will, I promise. Not sure what else to say. :)

-Inflated Spoon-

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