Chapter 7: First Lesson

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The next day, the Hogwarts Students and Salvatore Students had their first class. Moody walked up to the blackboard and began chalking him name onto it, "Alastor Moody, Ex-auror, Ministry Malcontent and your new defence against the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me to be, end of story- goodbye, the end. Any questions?" Everyone was silent. Alastor nodded and took a deep breath before pacing around. "When it comes to defence against the Dark Arts, I believe in a practical approach!"

"But first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

"Three, sir," Hermione said.

"And they are so named?" Alastor asked as he wrote viciously on the black board.

"Because they are unforgivable!" Hermione answered.

"I could have guessed that," Lizzie whispered, rolling her eyes.

"Go easy on her," Josie mumbled.

"Oh my gosh! She gave me the mirror that led me to you!" Lizzie exclaimed quietly, clasping her hand on her mouth after realising that everybody- including Hermione- was looking at her.

Alastor gave them a look and they shut up, their minds still buzzing about Hermione who was trying desperately not to look at them.

Hermione took a deep breath and continued speaking to Alastor, "The use of any one of them will-" Hermione continued.

"Earn you a ticket straight to Azkaban, correct! And the ministry says you are too young to learn what they do but you know what? I say different!" Alastor said, poking a stick used for pointing at the students, "You need to know exactly what you're up against; you need to be prepared. So, which curse shall we see first? You!" he said, pointing at Landon, "Name?" he demanded.

"Um, Landon Kirby, sir," Landon said cautiously.

"Stand up and give us a curse!" Alastor demanded.

Landon slowly stood up. He looked down at Hope who was beside him as he did not know any of them.

"The imperius curse," Hope whispered.

"The imperius curse?" Landon repeated, unsurely.

"Yes correct! Thank you, Miss Mikaelson!" he said, causing Landon to sit down and Hope to wonder how he could hear so well, "This particular curse gave the Ministry a bit of grief a few years back, and now you will learn why," he then picked a rather large spider out of a jar, "Hello!" he whispered to it, pushing it onto his hand. Most of the girls in the class gasped at its size (many boys too). Hope tilted her head, "He's not gonna hurt it... is he?" she asked. Landon shrugged in response- how was he supposed to know?

He took out his wand and pointed it at the spider, "Imperio!" he said before redirecting the aim his wand over toward MG, the spider following the wand. MG breathed heavily and tried not to move too much. Alastor then moved the spider over to Rafael's head as everyone laughed, "Don't worry," he assured them, "It's completely harmless!" he said as he dragged it around the room from student to student including Draco Malfoy who started really freaking out about it as Josie laughed, took it off his face and showed him what true courage was. She then let it go and laughed with Lizzie about it.

"I see why you like her, Harry!" Ron said, following on from yesterday's conversation.

Hermione nodded, smiling awkwardly and glancing at Josie who was staring at her. Upon having eye-contact, they both looked away, embarrassed and tried to focus back on Alastor. Harry said nothing as Alastor continued by bringing the spider back to his own hand, "You see, with this curse and this curse alone, I could make anyone do anything I want- even if they, with all their might, feel strongly against it. Scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you know who's bidding under the imperius curse. But you know, here's the rub, how do we sort out the liars? Another? Another!" Alastor said, asking for another unforgivable curse. Upon no student voluntarily speaking up, Alastor looked around and pointed at Lizzie, "Saltzman, is it?" he asked as Lizzie nodded, "Stand up and give us another,"

Lizzie stood up, "There's the cruciatus," she told him, confidently.

"Correct! Correct! Come here!" Alastor exclaimed, beckoning her over. Lizzie gave her sister a look before going over to him. She stood by the table with an unsure look upon her face.

Alastor took a deep breath, "Cruciato!" he said, pointing his wand at the spider, torturing it. As Lizzie watched, she clasped a hand over her mouth. She to look away, closing her eyes, having no choice but to listen to the spider's cries. "STOP IT!" Josie yelled, getting up from her chair, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM? STOP IT!" Josie screamed. Alastor looked up and took a deep breath and realised that he may have gone a bit too long. He then indicated for Lizzie to sit down, "Thank you, Elizabeth," he said.

He then turned to Josie, "Eh hem, can you give us the last unforgivable curse, Miss Saltzman?" Josie shook her head and turned away from the spider, knowing the last one but not daring to say it, fearing for the poor creature's life. Alastor then told her to sit down as he pointed his wand at the spider one last time, "Avada Kedavra!" he said, killing the spider. Everyone looked at each other, unable to look directly at the dead spider. "The killing curse, only one person has been known to survive it and he's sitting in this room right now," Alastor said as everyone looked to Harry. He then took a swig from his bottle and dismissed the class.

Everyone bustled down the stairs from their class, whispering their thoughts on what had just happened.

"Brilliant, isn't he!" Ron exclaimed, "Completely demented of course; I'd be terrified of being in the same room with him but he's really been there, you know? He's looked evil in the eye!"
Hermione turned around, "There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, you know? To perform them in a classroom is just- I mean, did you see Lizzie's face?"

Harry quickly shut her up, indicating to where Lizzie and Josie were standing, looking out of the window. The three went to see if the twins were ok but Alastor got their first, pushing through the crowd, "Hey, you alright?" he asked. Josie looked at Lizzie and Lizzie silently nodded. Josie piped in, "She's just feeling a bit homesick," she said, clearly lying, "We are going to go back to our dorm, now," she told him, the two of them hurrying off before Alastor could stop them. He nodded and walked off.

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