Chapter 30: Caught

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Landon was clearly confused, unsure what had happened but knowing it was something she had seen. Following her previous gaze, he turned around to see Professor Moody guiding Harry down a sketchy corridor. Perceiving Moody as a sketchy guy, Landon would not have given it a second glance if Hope hadn't literally disappeared. Taking a second look, Landon noticed how Moody was grabbing Harry by the shirt and practically dragging him. Adding on to this, Moody was looking around very suspiciously, as though he were trying to see if anyone was following them.

The phoenix pushed through the crowd until he reached Hope. "What's happening?" Landon asked in a hushed voice.

"Don't worry about it, " Hope replied, "Can you please just get Professor Dumbledore over hear please?"

Landon nodded and rushed off. Taking a deep breath, Hope whispered, "Invisique," and turned invisible.

Silently, Hope crept into the room with Harry and Moody, just as Madeye was shutting the door, listening to him revealing his plans of how he manipulated the entire game just so Harry would make it to the cup, only to be teleported to the graveyard- to the Dark Lord. After finishing his speech, Madeye drew his wand and pointed it at Harry. "No!" Hope exclaimed. She then (still invisible) aimed her hands at Moody and chanted, "Per se qui e fracta toi, per se qui e total toi," this was a spell taught to her by her Aunt Davina- it cripples the hands of the target in addition to forming a circle around them. This spell was used by a witch elder on Davina in a meeting of the nine covens.

Moody collapsed in pain as Hope made herself visible once again. "You absolute adolescent ABOMINATION!" Madeye exclaimed, "You're just as bad as your father!"

"Says the man who killed his," Hope retorted, revealing she knew who he was as Dumbledore flew through the door, demanding the whereabouts of the real Alastor Moody. He was followed by Professors Mcgonagal and Snape. Soon, the real Alastor was found in a magical chest in the corner of the room.

Wandering in and looking down the chest, Landon frowned, "Well if that is Alastor Moody, who is he?" he asked, turning to the fake Madeye.

"The man who killed Barty Crouch who was none other than his own father," Hope explained and Barty Crouch Jr finally transformed into his true form. Dumbledore personally escorted Hope, Landon and Harry out of the room, leaving Snape with his wand at Barty Crouch Jr's throat and Mcgonagal hurrying behind. 


Dear Reader,

We are nearing the end of the whole story now so stay tuned :) Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!!

-Inflated Spoon-

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