Chapter 24: Barty Crouch

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Dumbledore frowned, "All you have to go on here is that she was simply by the body of which you cannot be certain is his- just like how you were there and she disappeared with it? OK, I'll look into it, until then, you cannot tell a soul about what you know or think you know, ok?"

Harry nodded and left.

On his way out, out of the corner of his eye, he spots a little bowl of sweets. Harry couldn't help but reach for them. As it turned out, they were not sweets but rather vicious little creatures with apparently sharp teeth. Harry was taken aback and wormed out his wand and paralysed them with a simple spell. For some reason, whether it be the spell he cast or the creatures he awoke, a door from behind him slid open, revealing a large Goblet- similar to the Goblet of Fire yet much larger and filled with water.

Curiously, he walked over to this strange Goblet and looked down into the water. He frowned at the little wispy blue lines in it as he once again drew out his wand. This time, he simply waved it over the Goblet, making a single wispy line turn into a room that somehow engulfed him into it.

He fell down into a room full of people, including Dumbledore and Moody and Barty and a few more familiar faces. Looking over to Dumbledore, he frowned, "Professor?" he asked, confused. A strange man then came up to Dumbledore from behind Harry, "Professor!" he said, sticking his hand out to Dumbledore straight through Harry as though Harry was some sort of ghost.

Harry continued to look around, confused as Igor Karkarof was lifted up to the floor by some sort of elevator with spiky arrow heads pointed at him from inside the elevator. He was in chance that also held spikes on the end as he looked to Barty as he said his speech telling Igor that if he had any information, Igor's immediate release could be granted. Igor said, "Severus Snape!" he yelled, desperately trying to earn his freedom.

Dumbledore stood straight up and turned to Barty, "We are very much aware of Severus Snape's past as a Death Eater however he became a useful spy for us prior to Lord Voldemort's downfall," Dumbledore explained. Barty nodded and began to dismiss Igor before Igor stopped him.

"WAIT!" he begged, "I have heard of one more!" he said, trying to calm himself down. He took a deep breath, "BARTY CROUCH!" he yelled as everyone gave a shocked look towards the Minister. Igor then breathed again and corrected himself, "Junior. Barty Crouch Junior is the name!"

Harry gasped at the mention of Barty's son. Barty Crouch Jr then ran at Igor, only just stopped by Mad Eye Moody who paralysed him there and then. Barty Crouch Jr was then dragged up to Barty, "Hello, father," the evil son hissed, licking his lips quickly.

The Minister of magic had tears in his eyes as he looked his son dead in the eye and said, "You are no son of mine."

Suddenly, Harry was propelled out of the Goblet and also the room, back into Dumbledore's room where Dumbledore was waiting for him, "Curiosity is not a sin Harry," Dumbledore reminded Harry, to get him to relax and not fear punishment. Dumbledore then proceeded to tell Harry what the Goblet was which was a Pensieve- a place to store memories apart from the mind.

Nodding, Harry turned to Dumbledore, "Sir? Mr Crouch's son, what exactly happened to him?" Harry asked.

"He was sent to Azkaban- destroyed poor Barty for good. But he had no choice. Why do you ask?" Dumbledore responded.

"It's just that I- I had a dream about him..." Harry said, unsurely, "In the dream, I was in a house and... Voldemort was there only- only he wasn't human... oh, and Wormtail was there too! And... Mr Crouch's son. And.. .I have had this same dream repeatedly... over and over again..."

Dumbledore frowned, "It is unwise for you to linger over these dreams, Harry," Dumbledore said finally.

Harry was walking back to his dorm through the halls when he heard Igor and Snape arguing. Upon seeing Harry, Igor left the room. Harry was going to continue walking when Snape grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, "Potter!" he yelled, dragging Harry into his potions closet. He then grabbed a bottle of something and held it in Harry's face, "You know what this is? Veritaserum! A few drops of this and Voldemort himself would spill his darkest secrets. The use of it on a student is regrettably forbidden, however, should you ever steal from my personals again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice!"

"I haven't stolen anything!" protested Harry.

"Don't lie to me," Snape said, "Gillyweed may be innocuous but boomslang skin, lacewing flies? You and your little friends have been brewing polyjuice potion and, believe me, I'm going to find out why!"

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