Chapter 15: Dragons

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"Did you bring your father's cloak like I asked you?" Hagrid asked Harry.

Harry nodded, "Where are we going?" Harry then asked.

Hagrid sighed, "You'll find out soon enough! Pay attention, this is important!"

Harry looked at Hagrid and raised an eyebrow, "Hagrid, what's with the flower? And have you combed your hair??"

"As a matter of fact I have! And you might want to do the same thing every now and again!" Hagrid retorted.

The huffing of creatures could be heard in the distance. Harry was about to ask questions but Hagrid silenced him and put the invisibility cloak over him. The two of them then walked over to the Headmistress of Beauxbatons.

"I have something to show you!" Hagrid told Olympe Maxime. He then lead her over to a place where fire was shooting from inside crates. Harry widened his eyes, "Dragons, that's the first task?" he whispered to himself.

"What did you say?" Olympe asked Hagrid in her French accent.

Hagrid gave Harry a look and then turned to Olympe and smiled, "Oh just that you do look ravishing today!"

The following day, Harry went off to seek Cedric to tell him about the dragons. Unfortunately for Harry, he had to go past Hogwarts students who were still under the impression that he had treated and were consequently wearing magic badges that said "Potter Stinks".

"Could I have a word?" Harry asked Cedric when he finally reached him. Cedric nodded and followed Harry over to the side.

"Dragons!" said Harry, "That's the first task, they've got one for each of us!"

"Are you serious?" Cedric asked in shock as Harry nodded, "And Fleur and Krum, do they-?"

"Yes!" Harry assured him.

"And, Hope?" Cedric asked.

"I don't think so but I will be sure to tell her!" Harry said.

Harry was about to walk off when Cedric stopped him, "Hey, listen, about the badges- I've asked them not to wear them-"

"Don't worry about it!" Harry said before walking off.

"Why so tense, Potter?" Draco asked from a nearby tree as Harry attempted to keep walking, "My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you are gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament. He disagrees- he thinks you'll only last 5!" Draco taunted as he jumped out of the tree.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy!" Harry yelled. This caught Hope's attention. She was with Josie and Josie was also shocked by this behaviour, "Well, I don't like him!" Josie muttered.

Hope sighed, "Join the club,"

"He's vile and cruel. And you're nothing but pathetic!" Harry said attempting to walk away.

"Pathetic?" Draco exclaimed in disbelief, "I'll show you pathetic!" he said, drawing out his wand.

Josie leapt to her feet and grabbed Draco's wand. "What on earth do you think you're doing?" she asked, "I'm well in my right mind to break this!" she said, indicating to the wand. Draco snatched his wand back, "How dare you!" he exclaimed, about to use it on her. Hope was about to help out when Josie grabbed Harry's shoulder and siphoned a little bit of magic and said "Ventus!" which sent Draco propelling backwards. Hope tilted her head and raised an eyebrow, "Wow, Jo!" she said before Alastor Moody stood in front of them and turned Draco into a ferret. Hope looked and Josie, "Let's get out of here," Josie nodded in response and the two left the scene.

Harry grabbed Hope by the arm, "Wait!" he called.

"What?" Hope asked.

Harry looked down at her arm, about to let go when he saw what she had written. Hope pulled down her sleeve, "You were saying?"

"Err, the first task- they're dragons!" Harry told her.

Hope nodded, "Thanks, I guess!" she smiled and then ran after Josie, hoping he hadn't seen what she had written.

Harry was trying to process it all when he saw Professor McGonagal walk over to Moody. Harry quickly got out of there, it wasn't a place he wanted to be at that time, let's just say. 

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