Chapter 4: Back to School

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On the Hogwarts express, a few days later, Harry was thinking about Josie as Hermione read the newspaper (ironically trying to NOT think about Josie), going on about how the Ministry didn't know who conjured the mark of the Dark Lord, Ron also chipped in a word or two occasionally. Hermione looked over at Harry, "You know, Sirius will want to hear about this- what you saw at the world cup AND the dream!"

Harry sighed, knowing she was right. He then asked Hermione for a piece of paper and quill. He then started writing his letter, telling his version of the events that took place, excluding Josie from it to try to prove to himself that she wasn't important. He then passed it to Hedwig and sent his trusty owl off to Sirius.

When they eventually got to Hogwarts, after a long train ride and short boat ride, the students heard a loud "whooshing" sound. Hermione frowned, wondering what it could be, "Oh!" she exclaimed, "It must be the exchange students!" she said, grabbing Harry and Ron and dragging them to the nearby window to witness the arrival. Sure enough, a big carriage pulled up, flying in the air with Pegasus' for horses. Everyone pushed and shoved to get a look at the magnificent thing.

And then, what seemed to be a pirate ship, emerged from the waters surrounding Hogwarts, captained by a tall man with an unfriendly look upon his face. Everyone knew that there was a third school to come, however they did not show up before the students were called into the Great Hall to be welcomed by Dumbledore.

"Now that we are all settled in and we have sorted the First Years, I would like to make an announcement. This year, as you may have heard from the letter we sent all of your parents, there will be two special and different things about this year. First of all, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event, the Triwizard Tournament, and for those of you who do not know- the Triwizard Tournament is a game that brings together different schools for a series of three magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete, let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later, when the other schools are here as well. Secondly, this is the year that we will be having exchange students. They will be the fourth competitors in the Triwizard tournament. Upon arrival, we shall sort them into houses just like any students of our own and I hope that you welcome them with open arms. Please welcome the powerful students from the Salvatore Boarding School for the young and gifted, all the way from Virginia!"

The Hogwarts students started clapping as the doors to the Great Hall flew right open and behind it stood a girl with orangey-brown hair. She walked into the hall, straight down the middle, followed by the rest of her fellow students and friends. They walked up to Dumbledore, followed by a blonde woman who looked no older than 20 and their Headmaster, a man with a smiley face and brown-almost grey hair. "Hello, Albus," Alaric said smiling even wider than before and shaking his hand, "It's been a while!"

Dumbledore nodded, "Indeed it has Alaric," he smiled as Alaric stood to one side. As the blonde woman hugged Dumbledore, "Albus! Its been too long!" she exclaimed.

"Hello, Caroline," Dumbledore replied before indicating for her to stand next to Alaric. Dumbledore went back to his seat as Professor McGonagall stood up. "Now we shall sort the newest students into their houses. I sincerely hope you make them all feel welcome. First of all," she announced, with the sorting hat in her hands. She then began to call out names. 

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