Chapter 31: Assembly

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The following day, the students found themselves in the main hall, listening to Dumbledore attempt to explain and acknowledge the death of poor, innocent Cedric, "Today, we address a really terrible loss. Cedric Diggory was, as you all know, exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly- a fierce, fierce friend. Now, I think therefore, you have the right to know how he died. You see, Cedric Diggory was murdered-".

Josie held her head down, fighting back tears as Lizzie wrapped one arm around her. Hope leant on Landon's shoulder, refusing to shed tears for yet another loss. Dumbledore continued, "Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort. The Ministry Of Magic does not wish me to tell you this but not to do so would be an insult to his memory. Now, the pain we all feel at this dreadful loss reminds me- reminds us that we all come from different places and speak in different tongues but our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship that we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain; you remember that and we'll celebrate a boy who was kind and honest, brave and true right to the very end,"

Unable to control herself, Josie siphoned Hope, "Invisique," she whispered before hurrying out of the room. Lizzie and Hope looked at each other, nodding. They held hands and both muttered the same words before also disappearing. Hermione frowned, looking at Harry and Ron. "What happened to them?" she then asked Rafael and Landon. As if to reply, the door to the hall slammed, causing the entire assembly to turn to it, seeing nothing. "Josie just needs some time alone with her sister and Hope," Landon whispered.

Back in her Hufflepuff dorm, Josie was crying hysterically. "Phasmatos Oculacs," Hope said, turning all three girls visible again.

"Damn Hope, do you know every spell?" Lizzie asked.

"I swear you know that one- it's a gemini spell!" Hope replied. Lizzie rolled her eyes. The two of them then looked to Josie, realising their little "banter" was not the current issue they should be worried about.

Josie sat down on the bed, her eyes raw from all the crying. Lizzie and Hope both sat on either side of her, wrapping their arms around her. "How do you do it, Hope?" Josie sobbed, "How do you act like the losses of the people closest to you doesn't burn? It should have been me! He died to save me! And I was not worth his life!" Lizzie shook her head, "You know that's not true and you know that any one of us would do the exact same thing as Cedric. If he heard you saying that right now, it would break his heart!"

"But he can't hear it- don't you get it, Lizzie? He's gone and it's all my fault!" Josie yelled, almost angrily. She was gripping Hope's wrist very hard, siphoning her magic. Hope winced in pain and Josie let go. "Sorry- Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Hope!" Josie said, her hand flying over her mouth in shock. Hope shook her head, telling Jo that it would heal but actually feeling very drained- there was a purple bruise the entire way around her wrist. Hope's werewolf powers were temporarily dained, henceforth delaying her healing process slightly.

Then the boys came in. By the boys, I mean Rafael, Landon, Harry and Ron. Hermione also followed. "Are you okay?" Hermione asked Josie. Josie said nothing, not even looking up. Landon looked at Hope's wrist and sat beside her, "What happened?" he asked. Hope shook her head and put a finger to her lips, telling him to be quiet and not worry about it. "I'll heal," she whispered.

Taking deep breaths, Josie decided that she didn't want to worry her friends. She wiped away her tears and tried to assure them that she would be okay. They all spent the rest of the day in Josie's dorm, trying to cheer her, and partially themselves up- distracting them from the cold, hard truth of the death of their friend.

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