Chapter 20: The Yule Ball

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The night of the Yule Ball arrived and Ron was standing in front of a mirror, in the tux that Lizzie had sent him. Harry walked in and his eyes widened, "That looks expensive," he said, indicating to the tux.

Ron nodded, "Probably cost more than my house!" he agreed.

The two walked down the stairs into the ballroom, "Poor kid, bet she's alone in her room, crying her eyes out..." Ron said to Harry.

Harry frowned, "Who?"

"Hermione of course!" Ron replied, "Come on, Harry, why do you think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with?"
"Because we'd take the mickey out of her if she did?" Harry suggested.

"Nobody asked her," Ron corrected, "I would have taken her meself if she weren't so bloody proud!" Ron said.

Hope and Lizzie walked over to Harry and Ron. "What a nice tux," Hope pointed out.

Lizzie smiled, "I know,"

Ron nodded, "Thanks for this!"

"No problem, I couldn't let my date look like a troll!" Lizzie said.

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" Harry asked.

"A bit of both," Hope whispered.

McGonagal then walked over, "Oh there you are, Potter and Mikaelson. Are you two ready?"

"Ready? Ready for what?" Hope asked.

"To dance!" McGonagal exclaimed, "It's traditional that all of the champions are the first to dance, surely I told you that!"

Hope and Harry gave each other an equally confused look. McGonagal read their faces, "Oh! Well now you know!" she then turned to Ron, "Nice tux, Weasley," she mentioned.

Josie then walked into the building with Cedric. She had her hand holding Cedric's as they both smiled at the people walking past. Josie shot Harry a quick look and kind of sympathetic smile.

Hermione peeked her head around the door and Hope noticed her first. "Wow! She looks beautiful!" Hope exclaimed, "Should have asked her to the ball!"

Harry tried not to take offence as he too thought that Hermione looked beautiful. Hermione walked down the stairs as Victor Krum met her at the bottom of the stairs. Harry gave her a friendly smile and Hope gave her a thumbs up. Victor bowed to her and Hermione curtseyed in return before Victor offered her his hand.

Trumpets played as the champions were told to walk into the ballroom. First was Fleur Delacour with her dashing date. Then came Hermione, her hand on Victor's arm. Thirdly, was Cedric with Josie surprisingly on his arm. And finally, came Hope and Harry. Everyone clapped as they walked through, except Ron.

Lizzie spotted Hermione on Victor's arm and her eyes widened, she turned to Ron, "Is that Hermione Granger? With Victor Krum?" she exclaimed, knowing it was although she could not believe it.

"No, absolutely not," Ron responded, trying to convince himself more than Lizzie.

The music then played and the champions started to dance. Hope had to stop herself from giggling at Harry's bad dancing. Dumbledore and McGonagal then joined the champions in the centre of the room. Neville and Ginny came next, which thoroughly shocked Ron as you can probably predict. Hagrid then asked Madame Olympe Maxime to the dance floor and suddenly everyone was dancing.

After the ballroom dancing, there was a wizard pop band who came to specifically play for the Yule Ball and everyone was enjoying it. Except Landon, Ron, Harry, Rafael, Hope and Lizzie. Hope sighed, seeing that Lizzie wanted to dance but the boys didn't. Hope also wanted to avoid the awkwardness of sitting too close to her now ex-boyfriend.

Hope smiled and got on one knee in front of Lizzie and offered up a hand, "Elizabeth Saltzman, may I have this dance?" she asked.

Lizzie smiled and took her hand, "I have been waiting for this all night!" she said, taking Hope's hand and helping her off of the floor. Hope and Lizzie then joined Hermione and Victor on the dance floor. Hermione greeted them and they all began to have more fun except Hermione who already seemed to be having the time of her life.

Ron frowned and turned to Harry, "Ruddy pumpkinhead, isn't he?" he asked, nodding towards Victor.

"I don't think it was the books that had him going to the library," Harry added, smirking.

After the song ended, Hermione and Victor left the dance floor. Hope and Lizzie waved them off and then turned back for the next song. Victor then kissed Hermione's hand and left the room. Hermione did a little spin of joy to face the boys. She then sat next to Rafael at the end and faced them all, "Hot isn't it?" she began after a moment of silence for her to process all of the excitement.

"Victor's gone to go get the girls and I drinks, would you care to join us?" she asked. Harry and Rafael looked like they were about to say yes when Ron interrupted them. "No, we would not care to join you and"Victor"," Ron said as though Victor was a disgusting piece of gum on the bottom of his shoe.

"What's got your wand in a knot?" Hermione asked.

"He's a Durmstrang," Ron said, as though that explained everything, "You're fraternising with the enemy!"

"The enemy?" Hermione repeated, appalled, "Who was it wanting his autograph?! Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international, magical cooperation- to make friends!"

"I think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind-" Ron said.

Rafael widened his eyes, tapped Landon on the shoulder and the two of them left as Hermione began to get angry. She too stood up and left, she turned around to make one more snarky comment but then she realised how childish Ron was being and left it alone.

At the end of the night, Hermione and Ron somehow ended up having a very similar conversation. "He's using you!" Ron told her.

"How dare you!" Hermione exclaimed, "Besides, I can take care of myself!"

"Doubt that," Ron replied, "He's way too old!"

"What?" Hermione yelled, "What? That's what you think??"

"Yeah, that's what I think!" Ron responded.

"You know the solution then, don't you?" Hermione shouted.

"Go on?" Ron said, urging her.

"Next time there's a ball, pluck up the courage and ask me before somebody else does," Hermione cried, literally in tears, "And not as a last resort!"

"Well... th-th-that's just- that's just completely off the point!" Ron stuttered.

Harry then came from 'round the corner. Hermione was not in the mood to talk so she practically pushed him up the stairs, "OFF TO BED, BOTH OF YOU!" she cried, trying to wipe away her tears.

"They get scary when they get older-" Ron mumbled.

Hermione turned around and ran after him a few steps high as they ran away ,"Ron! You spoiled everything!"

"What's this about?" Harry asked as he rushed up the stairs with Ron.

Hermione then sat down on the stairs, took off her heels and cried. Hope, Josie and Lizzie came around the corner to see Hermione in tears. The girls immediately sat around her, hugging her. "What's wrong?" Josie asked, really worried for Hermione. Hermione told them what happened.

"Ron was miserable the whole night. I had to get Hope to ask me to dance. That was totally because he's in love with you- I should have seen it earlier," Lizzie said, mad at herself for not seeing the signs. Hope gave her a look to show her that it was not about her. Josie looked at the ground, imagining Ron and Hermione together.

Hermione looked at Josie, "Um, I should probably head to bed anyway," she said. The twins nodded and awkwardly went back to their dorms. Hope then escorted Hermione to her dorm, comforting and hugging her. 

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