Chapter 25: Replacement

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The next day was the day of the final task in the Triwizard Tournament. Dumbledore sent Cedric and Harry off but he held Hope back. Cedric looked to Harry, "What do you suppose they're talking about?" Cedric asked Harry.

Harry suspected he knew what they were talking about, "Do you know a spell we can use to hear them?" he asked Cedric.
Cedric nodded and pointed his wand at them inconspicuously. Hope looked over briefly before turning back to Dumbledore, her finger on her lips as if to say, "Shush,"

She then turned to MG who was in the crowd. He nodded and threw something at her. She caught it and lit it on fire, "This is sage," she told Dumbledore, "It will prevent prying eyes and intrusive ears," she told him.

"I cannot let you participate in this final task," Dumbledore told her.

"What? But why? I have worked just as hard as any of the other contestants and I was chosen for this... and this is the task that reveals who wins!" Hope protested.

"We have to ask you some questions about the disappearance of Barty Crouch," Dumbledore explained.

Hope shot Harry a glaring look before turning back to Dumbledore, "Sure, let's go talk about some missing dude. In my absence, may I request a substitute champion?" she asked.

"It has never been done before-" Dumbledore began to protest.

"Well an innocent champion has never been interrogated on a missing person's investigation during a task before, not to mention the final task,"

"Who do you have in mind?" Dumbledore asked.

"Josette Saltzman," Hope proposed.

"She has a past with an evil alter-ego, I don't think-" Dumbledore began.

"Oh, come on, Victor's mentor is an ex-death eater, Harry is seeing things about Voldermort that nobody else does, Fleurs' pretty okay, I guess but Cedric's a literal embodiment of Harry's insecurities and I'd be surprised if Harry doesn't hold a secret grudge," Hope protested.

"I guess, that if Josette is ok with it, she may replace you in the Triwizard tournament and give your school the chance to win the Triwizard cup and all its glory," Dumbledore said finally giving in. HOpe smiled and winked at Harry before blowing out the sage.

"Sorry, Harry, my spell didn't work," Cedric admitted, apologetically.

HArry nodded, "Thanks for trying,"

Dumbledore put his wand to his neck, "Due to unfortunate events, through no fault of her own, Hope Mikaelson has had to withdraw from the final task. Due to the inconvenience for both her and her school, we have permitted her a substitute who will compete in this final task for her and be given the chance to bring this year's Triwizard cup and all its glory, back to their home and hence forth, school. THe student Hope has chosen is Josette Saltzman from the Salvatore School. Now, would you be ok with substituting for Miss Mikaelson?" he boomed, directing this at Josie.

Josie's eyes widened and she looked to Hope. Hope nodded supportedly. Smiling uncertainly, Josie nodded, "Sure, I guess I could step in for Hope..." she said, walking down the stairs to the arena. Hope handed her a wand. "What's this?" Josie asked.

"Each contestant is allowed a wand," Hope began before Josie interrupted her.

"Yes but I don't need a wand to perform spells," Josie reminded her.

"That is true but the wands are embedded with magic so, if you ever needed to cast a spell, there should be enough magic in there for you to siphon to make an entire prison world all on your own!" Hope explained, "So basically, the magic in there should last you this task!"

Josie nodded, "Thank you," she said before joining the other champions outside the maze. Hope gave her a comforting smile before walking off with Dumbledore. Cedric leaned over to Josie who he was standing next to, "What was that all about?" he asked, curiously.

"Not sure, but I think Harry has something to do with it. She kept giving him odd and somewhat threatening looks. You should ask him!" Josie replied.

Cedric turned to Harry, about to speak before being interrupted by some man from the ministry who was announcing the beginning of the tournament. Before they knew it, the cannon fired.

Victor bolted into the maze immediately, Fleur following soon after. The three remaining gave each other a quick "good luck" look and entered the maze.

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