Chapter 6: Greetings

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The Beauxbatons Academy was an all-girls school- known for their grace. They did not disappoint as their little performance was a mixture of graceful dancing, magic doves that seemed to be appearing out of thin air and a little bit of gymnastics performed by the "jewel" of the school: Fleur Delacour.

Secondly was Durmstrang- an all-boys school. They were all wearing huge coats with fur rims on the hood. Their performance was quite- dramatic shall I say? It included the banging sticks/canes on the floor with a dramatic banging of drums in the background.

Victor Krum from the Quidditch World Cup walked down the middle with the rest of Durmstrang. Ron's eyes widened as he started "fangirling" over him just like the rest of the girl's in the room except for a few girls- most with boyfriends but then there was Penelope, Josie, Lizzie and Hermione.

After everyone had finished eating, Dumbledore once again called for everyone's attention so that all the schools could hear the announcement, "May I have your attention, please," he began, "Before we continue the rest of this fine evening, I'd like to say a two words: eternal glory! That is what awaits for the single student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks: three extremely dangerous tasks. For this reason, the other headmaster's and I have seen it fit to impose a new rule-"

Just then, a man with an eyepatch that ironically had an eye on it- an eye that was uncontrollably looking around everywhere walked in.

"Ahh, Alastor, my dear old friend, thanks for coming!" Dumbledore said, "May I interrupt my announcement to introduce you all to Alastor Moody,"

"Mad-eye moody!" Ron exclaimed amongst the talk of everyone else.

"Alastor Moody- the auror!" Hermione corrected.

"Er.. What's an Auror? I'm a little new to this," Landon admitted.

"Dark Wizard catcher- half the cells in Azkaban are filled thanks to him!" Ron told Landon, "But he's supposed to be mad as a hatter these days!"

Alastor then walked off to the side of his room and took a swig of whatever was in his little bottle thing. "What's that he's drinking, do you suppose?" Rafael asked.

"I dunno but I don't think it's pumpkin juice," Harry replied.

Dumbledore went back to talking, "After much consideration, all the headmasters, including myself have decided that, for their own safety, no child under the age of 17 should be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard tournament. However, we are making an exception for the Salvatore Students as their different way of using magic varies not about age nor experience but rather the particular magical being and ability," he announced.

Everyone burst into chatter, some about how unfair it was and others about the phrase Dumbledore used "magical being".

"What do you think Professor Dumbledore means by "particular magical being"?" Hermione asked Landon and Rafael. Landon and Rafael looked at each other, unsure what to say. "Well, spit it out! I do want to know why you are so special that you get "exceptions"!" Ron demanded.

"So, um, we aren't all witches or wizards... exactly," Hope said.

"Yeah, remember when I told you she was a tribrid? And that her father was a Hybrid and so was her mother?" Landon interrupted.

Hope sighed, "You said that?" she asked him. She then turned back to Ron, Harry and Hermione, "We are kind of like... different creatures. Like for example, this is my... friend-"

"Boyfriend!" Landon interrupted.

"This is my boyfriend...Landon Kirby um, he happens to be a Phoenix who is also the son of Malivor- a magical-being-eating pit and this here is my good friend Rafael he is a werewolf... and that just two seats away is Kaleb; he is a vampire. Oh, and there is Josie, she's a siphon-witch from the Gemini coven which means she has to "merge" with her twin sister Lizzie over ummm there when they are 22!" Hope explained.

"And then there's Hope- a badass witch-werewolf-vampire Tribrid who has a... interesting family story that I don't think we should go into right now," Landon added.

"You're all 16?" Harry asked, shocked. Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled. He then turned to reveal a huge Goblet with blue flames coming out of the top, "This is the Goblet of Fire: anyone wishing to submit their name into the tournament must merely write their name on a piece of parchment and throw it in this flame before Thursday night. Do not do so lightly; if chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment onward, the Triwizard Tournament has begun!"

After dinner, everyone was dismissed and shown to their dorms by the prefects. Lizzie and Josie hugged before going their separate ways. Hope waved to the two. "So... are you and the Saltzman sisters like... close?" Hermione asked.

"They're probably my best friends, why?" Hope asked.

Hermione shook her head and shrugged it off as if to say, "No reason," and walked over to Ron.

Hope frowned and turned to Landon, "What's wrong with her?" she asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked. Upon getting no answer from Hope, he smirked, "I'm going to let you figure it out,"

Hope continued to make empty threats to get Landon to tell her the entire way to the Gryffindor common room.


Dear Reader,

I hope you enjoyed this part. As far as love interests go so far, I am open to ideas although I am strongly rooting for Josie and Hermione. Let me know what you think in the comments! Any other love interest suggestions are welcome. For example, I have had suggestions of Hope and Harry and Hope and Lizzie so far. Anyway, thanks for reading!

-Inflated Spoon-

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