Chapter 10: Choosing Ceremony

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That Thursday, everybody was called into the Great Hall. Lizzie bustled out of her room, her hair expertly curled and put carefully into a bun, two strands left hanging on either side of her face. She had put her name in the cup as well, desperate to prove herself a hero. With her new-found Ravenclaw "friends" she approached Ravenclaw's table in the hall.

Josie was already there, sitting with Hufflepuff beside MG. Josie had not entered as she did not feel ready to risk her life for mere amusement. MG, however, had entered but for something more- Lizzie's approval. Finding herself beside Cedric, Josie was polite and introduced herself. Cedric followed suit, finding himself growing fond of her after one simple conversation.

Hope and Landon walked in together. They were both nervous: Hope because she was going to risk her life once again and Landon because well... Hope was going to risk her life once again. Hope squeezed Landon's hand as the two sat beside Hermione who was sitting beside Harry and Ron. "I saw you put your name in," Hermione said, choosing to not think about what else she saw, "You are very brave Hope,"
"It's hard not to be when you have friends and family who believe in and support you," Hope replied.

"Personally, I was more impressed by your show with Malfoy!" Ron chimed in. He then looked over to the entitled boy at Slytherin's table, "Although, he seems to have recovered. Could you do it again?"

"I could but I don't want people to fear me like they did my father. What I did to Draco was a show of force that could be easily explained and understood and definitely a one time thing- well... let's call it occasional. Doing it again without the proper provocation could be costly," Hope explained.

Before anyone could show agreement or disagreement, Dumbledore dramatically dimmed the lights and began to speak, "Good day students of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, the Durmstrang institute, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the Salvatore Boarding School. I hope your first week has been what you had hoped. And now, the moment you have all been waiting for- the Champion selection!"

Everyone watched the Goblet, waiting for something to happen. Finally, after a moment of suspense that seemed infinite, the flames turned red and spat out a single piece of paper of which Dumbledore caught. "The Durmstrang Insitute's champion is... Victor Krum!" Dumbledore announced after reading the piece of paper, causing the Durmstrang students to congratulate Victor, cheering and patting him on the back wildly. Smiling proudly, Victor then stood up and shook hands with Dumbledore before walking out of the room, down a corridor, where Dumbledore had instructed with a simple hand movement.

Once the hall finally calmed down, the fire then turned red again and spat out yet another piece of paper, this one was circular and rimmed in gold, "The Beauxbaton Academy's Champion is," Dumbledore said after reading the Parchment, "Fleur Delacour!" he said as the girl gracefully clapped for Fleur who was smiling widely and she went up to Dumbledore to shake his hand and then followed Victor.

Once again the fire turned red, "The champion from the Salvatore Boarding School is..." Dumbledore began as the Salvatore students looked at each other from across the room, "Hope Mikaelson!" The Salvatore students cheered as the other students clapped, unsurely. Hope smiled and hugged Landon before going up to shake hands with Dumbledore before following Fleur into a room behind the Great Hall.

Finally, it was Hogwarts' turn. Dumbledore grabbed the last piece of paper and proudly read from it, "The Hogwarts Champion: Cedric Diggory!" he announced as the entire Hogwarts student body cheered for their friend from Hufflepuff. Cedric shook Dumbledore's hand and bounded over to the corridor where the others had gone.

"Excellent!" Dumbledore boomed, "We now have our four Champions but in the end only one will go down in history: only one will hold this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory the Triwizard cup!" he continued, pointing at a glowing blue trophy that had suddenly appeared behind him as everyone, from all schools cheered.

However, that excitement was short-lived as the Goblet of Fire's flames turned red once again and shot out one last name. "Harry Potter," Dumbledore mumbled, reading the paper out loud. He then looked around, "Harry Potter?" Harry shrunk down into his chair as Dumbledore proceeded to yell, "HARRY POTTER??!!"

Hermione forced Harry out of his chair whilst the other champions looked at each other, confused to say the least. Harry slowly walked up to Dumbledore. Dumbledore gave Potter the piece of paper which unmistakably had his name written on it. Everyone whispered and yelled about how Harry "cheated" because he wasn't 17 yet. Harry gulped and went into the room behind the Great Hall where Hope greeted him. She went up to him, "Veritas tempus!" she said, "It's a truth spell. Now, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" she asked him.

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