Chapter 19: Getting a Date

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The next day, Ron, Rafael, Harry and Landon were talking about girls and asking on to the Yule Ball. "Why do they always have to travel in packs? And how do you get one on their own to ask them?"

"Blimey, Harry!" Ron exclaimed, "You slay dragons! If you can't get a date, who can?"

"I think I'll take the dragon right now!" Harry said, a panicked expression on his face.

Rafael sighed, "And how do you know when you've found the right girl?"

Landon looked at the ground, "And how do you know when's the right time to ask?"

"It's easy for you, Landon. You already know who you're going to ask. And you already know she's going to say yes!" Ron replied.

Landon shrugged, "I'm not so sure anymore..."
"Trouble in paradise?" Ron asked.

"I don't know. It's like she's keeping things from me..." Landon replied.

Harry widened his eyes. Well, it was good to know she hadn't told him. "Maybe she's not telling you because it's not her secret to tell?" Harry suggested.

Landon sighed, "I just wish she would tell me these things. I mean, I know that I'm not as strong nor "hero-y" as she is but if its something like information- I think I can handle it... no?"

In Snape's class, Ron was still looking around for a date. He turned to Harry and Rafael, "It's mad! At this rate, we'll be the only people in our year who don't have dates!" Ron said. Snape spotted him talking and pushed his head down to his paper.

"Tell me about it," Hope said, giving Landon a look that he completely ignored.

"Well, except from Neville," Ron whispered.

"Yeah, but then again, he can take himself," Harry responded.

Hermione frowned, "It might interest you to know that Neville's already got a date!"

Ron moaned, "Ugh, now I'm really depressed," he mumbled as Fred passed him a note. Ron looked around for Snape and then opened it. It read, "GET A MOVE ON OR ALL THE GOOD ONES WILL HAVE GONE"

Ron frowned and threw the paper- that was now scrunched up- back at Fred, "Who are you going with then?" he retorted.

Fred smiled and then threw the same piece of paper at the back of some random girl from his year. She turned around, an annoyed look on her face.

He mouthed at her, "You want to go to the ball with me?" he asked, adding actions where necessary. She tucked a strand of hair behind one ear and smiled sheepishly, nodding. Ron pouted and then turned to Hermione. "Why, Hermione, you're a girl!" Ron said as Hermione gave him an angry look. "Oh, well spotted!" she said sarcastically. Hope facepalmed in embarrassment for her friend. "Wanna have a danc-" Ron began, copying Fred's actions, before Snape whacked him around the head with the book he was currently holding. "Come on, it's one thing for a guy to show up alone, but for a girl, it's just sad..." Ron said.

Hermione got heated up, "I won't be going alone because, believe it or not, someone has already asked me!" she grumbled before slamming her book shut and getting up, handing her work in to Snap. She then walked back to Ron, "And I said yes!" she said before walking away.

"Bloody hell!" Ron muttered. He then turned to Harry, "She's lying, right?"

"If you say so-" Harry replied before Snape came by just to push both of their heads into their work. Hope sighed and magicked her work onto Snape's desk before leaving, following Hermione.

That evening, Harry went to seek Josie to buck up and ask her, even if it was extremely likely she was going to say no. He caught Josie outside the Slytherin common room. "Harry!" Josie exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" she asked.

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