Chapter 26: In The Maze

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The first fork they came up against went three ways, almost like it was made for them. "Should we stay together?" Josie asked.

"No. Only one of us can win, building a truce now would just be pointless," Cedric said, "Sorry, Jo,"

Harry nodded, "I agree, it is too late in the game to become friends now, Jo-sie,"

Josie nodded, she then went down the first path that presented itself, "Don't do anything stupid," she warned before disappearing.

Cedric smiled and went down the second path, leaving the third to Harry. Harry wearily began to go down the path, looking out for anything out of the ordinary.

Josie heard a cry from Fleur and ran to help. Fleur was knocked out on the floor and the hedges of the maze seemed to be swallowing her. Josie yelled in shock and quickly siphoned the magic out of her wand, "Patere!" she yelled, quoting a spell Hope taught her. The hedges shrunk back as though they had been blown backwards by a hard force. She picked up Fleur's wand and did the spell they were previously told to do when wanting to be taken out of the maze.

She then slipped it back into Fleur's hand and continued down the maze. She made sure to siphon just a little bit of magic out of the wand to prepare for if anything leapt out from the bushes at her.

Cedric was just running when he realised something strange- the hedges seemed closer together than they previously were. Cedric's eyes widened as he realised what was happening- the walls were closing in on him. He ran as fast as he could, certain he wasn't going to make it but still fighting for his life.

Josie saw him, "CEDRIC!" she exclaimed. She then aimed her hands at the hedges, she was about to say her words when she realised she had no magic left- she felt around for the wand that was not there. However, she could not find it- she must have dropped it when she was running earlier.

Thinking fast, Josie reached for the nearby hedge, siphoning its magic. Her aim was to say I spell to help him but she actually took the magic away from the hedge, meaning it stopped closing in on him. He continued running towards her and she hugged him.

They just parted from the embrace and Cedric was saying, "We should stick-" when Josie felt a strong hand on her shoulder, pulling her backwards. She screamed loudly and put her hands on whoever was pulling her back, trying to siphon them. However, this was not like Mystic Falls- the magic was not in the student but in the wand therefore Josie could do nothing to her attacker but scream and hope they had mercy.

Cedric reached for his wand but, in the commotion, he dropped it on the floor. He reached for it, but before he could stand up again, he heard Harry say something quickly. Viktor who happened to be the attacker was flung backwards into the hedge.

At first, Cedric did not check to see if Josie was ok and instead lunged for Viktor in anger. Harry pulled him back, "No Cedric, its not his fault!" Harry exclaimed, "He's bewitched Cedric! HE'S BEWITCHED HE DIDN'T MEAN TO HURT HER!"

Cedric growled under his breath and left Viktor. He gave Josie his hand and pulled her to her feet. "Thank you," she said. Just then, the hedges began to move again. The three looked at each other, trying to figure out which way to run. And then, the hedges stopped. They all took in their new surroundings. Just ahead of them, they could see the cup.

Harry took a deep breath, "Now it is just us three and Fleur,"
"Just us three," Josie corrected, "I think Viktor got to Fleur. She's alive - but she has been knocked out,"

Harry nodded, "Who should win?"

"You, Harry, you saved Josie," Cedric said.

"But Josie saved Fleur," Harry protested.

"And you tried to save me Cedric, and besides I am no real contestant!" Josie said, reassuringly.

"Of course you are, you weren't picked by a fire, you were picked by someone who knew you and who knew you were perfect for being a champion!" Cedric replied.

"What would happen if we all grabbed it at the same time?" Harry suggested.

"I don't know but I suggest we find out," Cedric said, taking Josie by the hand and bringing her over to the Cup.

"On the count of 3," Harry said.

"1.... 2.... 3!" they all exclaimed before grabbing the cup. 

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