Chapter 9: Secret Meeting

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Landon nodded, "You know what the main advantage to not being schooled here is?"

Hope shook her head.

"Being more connected with some advanced "muggle" technology," he laughed, pulling out his phone, "I would like to see these wizards send a message and it be received within seconds!" he challenged.

Ignoring this, Hope took out her own phone and typed a text to the twins, asking to meet her in a broom closet that she had noticed.

"Are you sure Harry Potter won't come home?" Lizzie taunted over text whilst Josie politely agreed. Hope put away her phone and went over to the broom closet, Landon still staring at his phone. Annoyed, Hope snapped her fingers, to quickly get his attention. He immediately ran over to her. The two of them were about to go into the closet when the golden trio began walking past.

Knowing they would become suspicious, Hope realised she had to act quickly. "Just follow my lead," she whispered to Landon. Landon frowned but only had a mere second to process this before Hope pulled him in to kiss him. She then pulled him into the broom closet and shut the door behind him. Once the door was safely shut behind them, Hope stepped back. Her face turned bright red and she turned away from him. Landon took a deep breath, "Well that was... unexpected,"

"It stopped suspicion though, I am sure," Hope reasoned.

Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked away, embarrassed while Harry and Ron looked at each other. Ron sighed, "I wish I could have a love like that!" he said.

"Oh potions and broomsticks! Ron, is there anything else you think about?" she asked.

"I think it would probably be best if we stop thinking and talking about our new friends' love life," Harry pointed out.

The Saltzman twins walked round the corner. Seeing the golden trio, they decided to wait. Once the three friends were gone, the twins walked inconspicuously over to the broom closet. Josie held the door open for Lizzie. "How did you get past the "chosen one" and his play-pals?" Lizzie asked.

Before Landon could respond, Hope said, "They came after we did- we were already here,"

Lizzie nodded and sighed, showing no physical evidence of thought after the torturous lesson, "Is this important because I still have to pick a hairstyle for the champion selection? And may I say that I am most annoyed that these British schools have uniforms! We are students not soldiers!" she exclaimed.

"Shush, Lizzie!" Hope exclaimed, "We just wanted to make sure you are alright after... Defence against the Dark Arts,"

"Of course I'm fine," Lizzie said quickly and unconvincingly, "Come on Josie, I need you to help me pick out my hairstyle!" she said before hurrying out. Josie smiled at Landon and Hope before following Lizzie. "Can't say I'm convinced," Hope muttered.

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