Chapter 8: Goblet of Fire

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The "Golden Trio" continued down the stairs, clearly avoiding the recent lesson and Saltzman twins as a topic of conversation. They walked all the way to the room with the Goblet of Fire. Everyone was gathered around the legendary Goblet, some grumbling about the "unfairness" of their inability to enter, some laughing and joking about dying. And then Cedric put his name in as everyone from Hogwarts clapped, cheering for him.

Ron, however, was clearly displeased, "Eternal glory," Ron sighed, "Would be brilliant, wouldn't it?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and sat on some stairs surrounding the cup, pulling out a pencil from her robe and beginning to annotate the book she was holding. Harry also clearly disagreed with Ron's statement- he would rather not risk his life for something as pathetic or stupid as a title and a cup. He was about to respond to Ron when Fred and George rushed into the room, cheering, waving about some spell to a group of Hogwarts students who were apparently "too young" to enter. The spell they were talking about would allegedly make them age a few years so they were old enough to be able to put their names in the Goblet of Fire.

"It's not going to work," Hermione said in a sing-songy voice, being her usual "know-it-all" self.

"Oh yeah, and why's that Granger?" The twins said, synchronising their speech.

"You see this?" Hermione said, pointing at the circle around the Goblet of Fire, with the pencil she was holding, "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself. SO, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't be fooled by something as pathetically dim-witted as an ageing potion!" she explained, as though i.

"Ah but that's why it's so brilliant- Because it's so pathetically dim-witted!" Fred and George explained. Hermione rolled her eyes and held out her hand, indicating for them to try it Hope from the other side of the room raised an eyebrow. She then smiled and took out her phone to film what she knew would be a surely failed attempt. Fred and George smiled, "Bottom's up!" they exclaimed before drinking the potion. It seemed to work- they felt different for sure. Feeling confident, the boys jumped into the circle (or "age-line" as Hermione called it). Everyone cheered as it looked to be going so well; they even managed to put the slips of paper with their names on in the Goblet of Fire. But then, blue flames shot around the room, causing everyone to panic and duck as Fred and George were flung across the room, grey beards growing on their chins.

Hope couldn't stop herself from laughing as the twins got into a brawl about who came up with the utterly stupid idea. Everyone was yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" as Hermione gave them a disgusted look, rolled her eyes and went back to her reading. Just then, Victor Krum walked into the room, his paper with his name at hand. The hall went silent and the Weasleys stopped their brawl to watch the legendary Victor Krum who seemed to pay no attention to them. He just walked up to the Goblet with sheer poise and put his name into the Goblet of Fire. Despite ignoring everyone else, he went out of his way to give Hermione a "look" as he walked away, Hermione smiling in response.

Landon looked at Hope, "Your turn," he said, "Not to give Harry's friend whatever that look was but to put your name in the Goblet of fire!"

"I don't know, Landon, I mean..." Hope began.

"Listen, nobody, is better equipped for this than you, ok? You are the badass witch-werewolf-vampire Tribrid; nobody could even come close! Besides, you're the most likely to survive this out of all of us," Landon assured her, being supportive to cover up for the fact he had just interrupted her (and also being that supportive boyfriend he was born to be).

"Says the Phoenix who rises from the ashes when he dies. And can fly?" Hope reminded him.

Landon smiled and shook his head, "I bet you could fly if you found the right spell! Also, you know you are better at this kind of stuff! Plus, you would never let me go," he reasoned, holding out a piece of paper with "Hope" written on it to her, "Either you put your name in, or I will do it for you!" he told her.

"Can you even do that?" she asked him, pessimistically.

"If you don't put your name in within the next 10 seconds, we will find out," Landon threatened.

Hope gave him a quick kiss and took the paper from him, gratefully, "You win," she admitted, smiling as she walked up to the Goblet of Fire and put her name in. She wished the Saltzman's could see her. This led Hope to think about the Saltzman's and how Lizzie must have been traumatised after the lesson- a sympathetic look glazed upon her face.

The Hogwarts students looked at each other, feeling subconsciously threatened by the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and also jealous of how, despite her age, she was allowed to enter the tournament. "She doesn't look so scary," Draco taunted, strutting up to her. Hope raised an eyebrow and turned around and faced him, "Silencio!" she said simply, whipping her hand round in a "swoosh" kind of action. This caused Draco's lips to literally be sealed. "Sorry, were you saying something?," Hope said, smiling wider than she'd ever thought possible. "God I love that spell!" she exclaimed going up to Landon, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him out to talk to the twins. "Try telling your father now," Hermione muttered under her breath.

Hope took a deep breath, "That was exciting! I hope I get to do that again!" she exclaimed. Landon sighed, "I doubt he'll say anything like that again,"

"Honestly, I think it may be awhile before he says anything again!" she laughed, "Where can we meet up with the twins, do you think? I just want to make sure Lizzie is ok," she said, more seriously.

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