Chapter 29: Back at Hogwarts

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Back at Hogwarts, Hope had been released after questioning, deemed innocent. She was sat with Lizzie, Rafael and Landon at the front, anticipating their arrival. "I don't get why we have to watch," Lizzie said, "We don't even see them apart from at the beginning and at the end- you know, if we just came and those times; they probably wouldn't even notice,"

"Yeah, well I bet its more fun to actually do it," Hope added, "Rather than be questioned for absolutely no reason,"

Landon hugged her supportively with one arm.

Just then, something appeared as if from thin air, its black and yellow coloured shirt was unmistakable for Hufflepuff. "Is it Josie?" Lizzie asked, "Or Ced- Ced something,"

"It's Cedric," Rafael huffed. They all sighed but clapped anyway to show good sportsmanship or whatever. Hope then stood up, "That's not right," she said, running down to the maze.

Her hand flew to her face upon seeing Cedric, laying still. As shocking as this was, she could not help but have thoughts approach her mind that she would deem more pressing but others would disagree. Where was Josie? She hadn't signalled like Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, so where the hell was she.

As if to answer, Harry appeared beside Cedric. He reached for Cedric's body, crying, saying that Voldemort was back. Hope didn't care. She went over to Harry, "WHERE'S JOSIE?" she yelled. Dumbledore was attempting to pull her back but she didn't let him, "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Hope yelled.

Harry looked up, "I-I don't know," he stuttered through his tears, "She sent me here and then... and then I don't know what happened to her-". Hope took a deep breath and walked away from the commotion. Landon ran over to her, "What's happening? What's wrong?" he asked, trying to comfort her.

Hope closed her eyes, breathing heavily and facing the maze, "When I open my eyes, she's going to be back," she convinced herself. She then opened her eyes and looked around, "I can't see her- Landon, I can't see her!" she said, on the verge of tears but still trying to keep a clear mind.

"Who?" Landon asked, trying to think who it could be but unable to think clearly with his mind set on Hope.

Just then, Josie appeared. Her forehead was cut and she was bruised but other than that, she was ok- she was safe. Landon pointed towards her, "Josie's fine, she's right over there," Landon told Hope.

Hope looked up. Seeing Josie safe, she ran up to hug her, "What happened?" she asked. Josie hugged her back, relieved to be safe again and trying not to think about the fact that Cedric was gone. "I'll tell you later," Josie whispered.

Lizzie ran over to them after spending the last few minutes pushing through eager crowds and convincing people controlling the crowds to let her in. "Jo!" Lizzie exclaimed, hugging Josie but also Hope in the process.

"I should have never let you go in," Hope apologised, "I am so sorry- this is all my fault!"

"It's not," Josie argued, "It's not your fault, Hope,"

Hope nodded, still not convinced but eager to not rattle Josie who she knew had been through a lot. Hope hadn't even yet thought about the death of a boy who had come to be a good friend of hers, being too wrapped up in the whereabouts of Josie and finding it easier to address a friend in need rather than another death.

Cedric's father burst through the now-silent crowd, screaming, "THAT'S MY BOY! THAT'S MY SON!" he ran over to the body, causing Harry to finally step back, knowing that this would be harder for this man. The three girls stopped hugging and finally turned to face the worse matter. Sobbing, Josie hid her face in her sister's jumper. Lizzie could not turn her eyes away from the gruesome sight, resting her head on Josie's whilst stroking her hair.

Taking a deep breath, Hope turned her head away, looking over at Landon who looked back. He attempted to make his way over to her but the crowd was too thick. Whilst looking over at him, Hope noticed something very peculiar. She frowned and tilted her head. After realising what was happening, she wiped away her tears that she was doing extremely well to hide and gulped to clear her throat. "Invisique," she whispered, turning invisible. 

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