Chapter 21: Figuring Out

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That night, Harry had another dream- nightmare. This was also about Voldemort, in fact it was the exact same nightmare as last time- the one he told Sirius (and Hope) about.

"Harry you told me you had figured the egg out weeks ago!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Well, Hope had and I was really just... well I thought..." Harry stammered.

"Have you asked her?" Hermione asked.

"No! I also told her that I had figured it out weeks ago!" Harry said, expressing his dilemma.

"The task is two days from now!" Hermione said, pointing out the obvious.

"Really? I had no idea!" Harry said sarcastically.

He then changed his tone, "I bet Victor's already figured it out!"

Hermione frowned, "I wouldn't know- we don't talk about the tournament. Actually, we don't talk much at all... Victor's more of a physical being," Hermione then realised what she had just said and laughed, "I just mean he's not particularly loquacious!" she said, explaining herself.

"Mostly he just watches me study- it's a bit annoying actually..." she said, reconsidering her life choices, "You are trying to figure this egg out, aren't you?"

Harry frowned, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that these tasks are designed to test you- in the most brutal way; they're almost cruel. And, I'm scared for you! You got by the dragons mostly on nerve... I'm not sure it's going to be enough this time..."

"Hey, Potter!" Cedric called from behind, "Potter!" he repeated.

"Cedric?" Harry mimicked slightly.

"How, how are you?" Cedric asked.

"Spectacular?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Look, I realised that I never really thanked you properly for tipping me off about those dragons," Cedric began.

"Forget about it," Harry interrupted, "I'm sure you would have done the same for me..."
"Exactly!" Cedric exclaimed, "You know the perfect's bathroom on the 5th floor? It's not a bad place for a bath... just... take your egg there and... mull things over in the hot water..."

Harry took Cedric's advice and went to the prefect's bathroom with his egg. "I must be out of my mind..." Harry said as he opened the egg. Unfortunately, it screeched just like it did previously, leaving Harry's eardrums ready to pop. "Definitely out of my mind..." Harry confirmed to himself.

Just then, Moaning Myrtle appeared from a nearby toilet, "I'd try putting the egg in the water if I were you!"

"Myrtle!" Harry exclaimed.

"I was circling a blocked drain the other day and could swear I saw a bit of Polyjuice potion. Not being a bad boy again are you, Harry?" Myrtle asked.

"Polyjuice Potion???" Harry asked, frowning. He then recapped over what she had just said, he grabbed the egg, "Myrtle, did you say try putting the egg in the water?" he asked.

Myrtle nodded, "Ohhhhh, that's what he did! The other boy!" she told Harry, "The handsome one - Cedric! Well go on, open it!" she urged.

Harry bopped the egg underwater and opened it. He then went under the water and the egg began to sing to him, "Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look to recover what we took,".

Harry then came out of the water and took a deep breath.

"Myrtle," Harry began, "There aren't... merpeople... in the black lake, are there?"

"Ahhh, very good," Myrtle said in a sing-songy voice, "It took Cedric ages to riddle it out."

Back in the Library, the whole squad was looking for a solution, except Hope who had been excluded from their little gathering. "Harry, tell me again!" Hermione demanded.

Harry sighed, "Come seek us where our voices sound-"

"The black lake- that's obvious!" Hermione said.

"An hour long you'll have to look," Harry continued.

"Again, obvious... though admittedly potentially problematic..." Hermione muttered.

"Potentially Problematic?" Harry asked sassily, "When was the last time you had to hold your breath underwater for an hour, Hermione?"

"Look, Harry, we can do this, the lot of us can figure it out..." Hermione said, uncertainly.

Professor Moody then came from round the corner, "Professor McGonagal would like you to see her in her office. Not you Potter, Waithe. Just Weasley, Granger and Kirby."

Hermione tried to protest but Moody would not budge.

Hermione, Ron and Landon then left, leaving Rafael and Harry. Neville then walked past and recognised something Harry was reading. "You know, if you want to breathe underwater for a long period of time- you can always use gillyweed!"

Finally, it was the day of the second task, Fred and George were once again trying to make money off people betting on who would make it past this round. Neville gave Harry the Gillyweed as they were walking with Rafael. "You sure about this, Neville?" Harry asked.

"Absolutely!" Neville said, confidently.

"For an hour?" Harry asked.

"Most likely..." Neville continued, less-confidently.

"Most likely??" Harry asked, worried about his safety.

"Well, there's some debate amongst herbalists on freshwater versus saltwater but-" Neville muttered.

"You're telling me this now?" Harry asked, kind of outraged, "You must be joking!"
"I just- wanted to help..." Neville said.

"Well that makes you a lot better than Ron, Hermione and Landon," he turned to Rafael, "Where are they?"

"I haven't seen them since last night," Rafael responded.

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