Chapter 2

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(Her bedroom)
For the next three days, Tom had been waiting for Leah to wake up. The Death Eaters didn't know that Leah was in the manor. The only people who knew were Barty, Lucius, Narcissa (who use to come every day to check on Leah), Snape, Anthony and Tom. 

Meanwhile with Dumbledore...

Dumbledore thought, 'I just got a letter from the Durselys that Leah was not there this morning. After giving her the worst beating and she couldn't have used her magic. How did she escape? Even all her stuff is gone.' He called an immediate meeting. In this meeting, the people consisted of Ginny, Molly, Ron (forced), Hermione (forced) and three hooded figures. One of the hooded figures said, "You needed something, Dumbledore?" "Ahh, yes ???, yes I needed something," Dumbledore said. "Well, what is it?" Molly asked hurriedly. Dumbledore sighed and said," Leah has escaped from the Durselys." "What!?" was heard from the entire room. Everyone except Ron, Hermione and Dumbledore said it with shock, while Ron and Hermione said it happily. They were happy that Leah had escaped from the horrible house.

"Well, how could she escape Dumbledore? I thought the wards were strong enough to catch on anything," the second hooded figure said. Dumbledore said, "That I thought too ???. But now she is gone, we can't help it." The third one whined, "But then she'll take up my right as the heir." "Now now, ??? she won't do it," Dumbledore told him, "She wouldn't even get a nick of it." One of them threw their hood back and revealed black messy untamed hair, round glasses and brown eyes. Yes, you guessed it right, it was James Potter. The other one threw hers back, reddish ginger wavy hair, green eyes and a nice figure, this was Lily Potter. The last one pulled his down, unruly reddish ginger with black highlights, round glasses and brown eyes was James Jr. Potter. The three stood there in front of the headmaster. Lily and James Jr. were furious that her daughter/his sister had escaped, while James was happy that his daughter had finally escaped from the clutches of his wife's sister's family.

Let's get back to Leah at the Riddle Manor...

Tom was on his way to the medical wing to check on Leah when he heard a small groan from there. He rushed to the wing to see Leah awake on the bed, thinking where she was. When her eyes flicked on the door, she saw Tom and thought that today was the day that she was going to die and she smiled welcoming death. Tom hurried to her bedside and helped her sit up. This action of his confused her. She tried speaking but it came out hoarse. Tom conjured a glass and said, "Aguamenti!" as the glass filled with water and handed it to Leah. She took it with a shaking hand and slowly drank it. She said in a soft voice, "Thank you." Tom nodded and they stayed in silence for a while when Tom asked her a question that she least expected him to ask. Tom said, "Did those muggles do that to you?" Leah gave him a small nod.

Tom took in a deep breath to control himself from lashing out. Leah, now, was confused to hell and back and asked in a small voice, "Why?" Tom looked at her and hummed in question. "Why are you being so nice to me? I mean, after all, I defeated you and destroyed your chances of resurrection, " Leah continued in a small voice. Tom also thought about this, why was he so nice to her? Something in him or more like his creature was telling him to. Tom said emotionlessly, "I'll tell you later. Right now, you need rest and we'll see what happens after that." He got up and headed out when Leah grabbed his cloak. Tom spun around shocked to see Leah all better. He raised his eyebrow in question. "I'll tell you in your office," Leah said and Tom lead her to his office. "It's beautiful, " Leah said as she entered the office.

It was a big office but it was coloured grey, black and green. The desk sat in the middle, there were couches on the side of the room and a fireplace. Tom sat down on his desk and motioned Leah to do so too. She hesitated at first but sat down opposite him. Tom spoke, "Leah, what do you know about creature inheritances?" Leah was shocked, why was he asking her this stuff. She answered in a shocked tone," Well, creature inheritances only flow in those who are purebloods or who have a very high level of magic." Tom nodded and lead her to a room in his wing. Tom said, "This will be your room from now. Feel free to ask the elves if you need something." Leah gave him a quick nod and entered the room quickly. Tom also made his way back to his room. He laid on his bed thinking about Leah. There was something about her that made it impossible for her to leave his mind. At last, he fell asleep with a little ravenette on his mind. Meanwhile, Leah also couldn't stop thinking about Tom. The man she destroyed and ruined everything for letting her in his house with no hesitation. She fell asleep with a brown-haired handsome man in her mind.
The next day, Leah woke up with a small hand shaking her arm. She slowly opened her eyes to see a house-elf shaking her arm to wake her up. She sat up and gave her a small smile. The house-elf said in a squeaky voice," Hello young mistress. I is Missy. Master sent Missy to take care of Mistress. Missy was also told to tell mistress to join master at breakfast. He also told to tell mistress to wear nice clothes as he is taking mistress somewhere." Leah gave Missy a nod and got out of bed. She took a shower and to her surprise, she found her trunk on the nightstand. She unshrank it pulled out a nice dress with a black t-shirt to go underneath and a black stocking with some high heel boots.

 She unshrank it pulled out a nice dress with a black t-shirt to go underneath and a black stocking with some high heel boots

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She headed to the dining room, where Tom was waiting for her

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She headed to the dining room, where Tom was waiting for her. She entered the room and greeted Tom with a small 'Good Morning', which was returned to her in a mumble too. At breakfast, Leah said, "Voldemort, umm, if it's ok if I call you that but Missy said that you were going to take me somewhere?" Tom looked at Leah and said, "Ahh, yes. Please call me Tom or Marvolo. Missy informed you correct." Leah asked in a small voice, "I was wondering, where are we headed to?" "We are going to Gringotts. I wanted to confirm something about you. Since there is something that makes me curious about you." She made a small 'oh' with her mouth and waited for Tom to finish.
After Tom finished he rose from his seat, he extended a hand to Leah, who lightly took it and they both floo'd to Gringotts.
(I'll put a cliffhanger here. Let's see what happens when they reach Gringotts? Also, this story is not related to the Wrong boy/girl who lived concept. It is just that Lily just hated Leah with a passion due to her beauty and as soon as they found out she had a dark core. They sent her away to her sister. After hearing from Dumbledore that she was also the Girl who lived, he also told her his plan and she readily agreed. Even if it meant for Leah to be gone from the world. James tried stopping this but he was pressed down by Lily and Dumbledore to not say a word or they'll tell the world his secret. You'll find that in the later chapters. That's all, I just wanted to clear the misunderstanding that will happen above.)

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