Chapter 5 Part 1

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Leah woke up to the sound of the shower. She got up and stretched while waiting for Tom to come out of the shower. After 10 minutes, Tom came out with a towel around his waist, his hair wet and falling over his eyes. Leah took in the sight and she couldn't get herself to look away. Tom noticed it and went over to her. Leah snapped out when Tom threw her back on the bed hovering over her. She was as red as a tomato. Tom leaned in and kissed her cheek and moved away from her to put his clothes on. Leah lay there on the bed processing what happened. Her face grew redder (If possible) and she ran for the bathroom. 

She came out of the shower after making sure Tom was not in the room. She walked to the closet to find all of her clothes gone, except for one outfit. This outfit was the one she loathed the most. Since she had no choice, she put it on and headed out. (Pic 👆) Walking down, she saw Tom waiting for her. She went to him and he looked at her and smirked. She put her hands on her hips and bent down sassily and said, "I know what you did, Tom. Not funny." When she stood straight and turned, a wrist pulled her down and she landed in Tom's lap. "I know, baby. But, I saw you trying the dress on yesterday and you looked good. So, I decided why not you wear it today," Tom whispered in her ear. She got flustered. "You get flustered easily, darling," he said. With which he received a jab in his chest. 

Without saying a word, he took his fork and picked a strawberry and put it near Leah's mouth. She angrily took the bite and huffed after taking it. Tho, Tom remained calm and kept feeding her. He knew she would calm down after receiving food. Which he thought right, after she calmed down, she fed him some breakfast. After breakfast, Tom put his hands over Leah's eyes and guided her somewhere. Leah kept whining to know where they were going. When Tom suddenly stopped, Leah asked, "Tom what is going on?" She felt hands coming off her eyes and Tom's voice saying, "Keep your eyes closed, I have a surprise." After what seemed like an eternity (for Leah which was just 5 minutes) Tom told her to open her eyes. The view she saw had her shook. 

With Ron and Hermione... (Ik I'm evil)

Ron and Hermione were sitting in the living room of the Burrow with the twins. Hermione had been trying to contact Leah for months. Ron was trying to find any clue as to where she could be. The twins had been trying to make new pranks try on people and for their new joke shop. Richard came up to them and said, "Oi, What are you doing?" Hermione rolled her eyes and said," Just sod off Richard. We are trying to find Leah unlike you." Richard arrogantly said, "She just pities you, Granger. I bet she just wants to be your friend for brains and it's Richy, not Richard." Ron angrily told him, "Listen here Richard, she wouldn't be friends with some arrogant, spoilt brat too. So, she is way out of your league. Just go." Richard didn't move an inch and kept saying how Leah would leave them and be his friend.

The twins, who were having a hard time concentrating, set their prototype on Richard. It shuts the person for 10 minutes and when they would try to talk, it would sound like their spirit animals or Patronus. This would go for the whole day. The whole day Richard didn't talk and left them in peace. They kept searching for clues until dinner, where they heard that Leah had been seen in Diagon Alley that day. After dinner, all four of them gathered in the twins' room. Ron apparently had an idea. Fred and George put some silencing charms around the room so Richard or Ginerva couldn't hear them. Ron was nervous at first, then Hermione said, "Hurry up, Ronald. We don't have all night." Ron took a few deep breaths and said, "I think Voldemort took her." All three were shocked. Hermione said, "Ronald, that is not possible. If he did then god knows what happened to Leah." Ron said, "We can try Hermione. We know where he resides." Twins said, "You do!?"

Hermione said irritated, "Don't you two pay attention in the meetings." They shook their heads in a no and she let out a sigh. Hermione said, "But even if we know where he stays, how will we go there? We can't apparate. We can't floo." Ron corrected her, "We can floo but through another way." "Which is..." Hermione asked. "We could floo to Grimmauld place and then head to Malfoy Manor," Ron said. Suddenly, a light bulb went off in Hermione's mind and said, "That's a brilliant idea, Ron. I didn't know you were so smart. Since Narcissa is a Black, we can easily gain access from Grimmauld Place since it is also a Black territory. The floo would allow us in Malfoy Manor." "Exactly, Hermione," Ron said. The twins just stood there confused. Hermione just shook her head and pushed them towards the floo. After making sure, it was safe to use the Floo, Ron went in with a little floo and whispered shouted, "12, Grimmauld Place." The others followed him and they again headed to Malfoy Manor after making sure no one was there in the house.

On reaching the Malfoy Manor, the first thing Ron saw was blond hair. He stood up and whipped out his wand. Draco just raised his hands up and kindly asked him after seeing others come behind Ron, "What are you doing here and what do you want?" "Where is Leah?" Fred asked. "She's fine. She's at Riddle Manor with my Lord," Draco replied calmly. "How is she fine if she is with the Dark Lord," Hermione shrieked. Draco said, "Well, put your wands away and then I can answer your questions." They all looked at each other and agreed. They slowly put their wands in their pockets but stayed alert if a problem occurred. Draco led them to the living room and told them to sit on the couch. They sat down and he started explaining. After listening to everything, George asked Draco, "So, you're telling us that No-nose is Leah's mate and Leah stays with him?" Draco nodded. Hermione asked, "But, the Potters don't have creature blood." Ron said, "You idiot, of course, Potters have creature blood. They are an ancient house. Wait a minute, how do I know this?" Everyone was shocked as to how Ron knew this. 

Draco quickly worked it out and said, "Blocks... Anyways, we are celebrating Leah's birthday at Riddle Manor. It's only my family and my Lord. I think she would be delighted to have you. But, first, let's give you some nice clothes. Follow me." They nodded and followed him. He took Hermione to his mother and told her everything and she was delighted to help her. He took the boys with him to his room and gave them some of his old, which were in a good condition and resized it for them. They all went to the Floo and floo'ed to Riddle Manor. The backyard was completely decorated. They saw Tom bring in a blinded and whining Leah in. After removing his hands from her eyes, she saw Hermione, Ron and the twins. She couldn't believe her eyes and ran to hug them. 

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