Chapter 3

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Leah and Tom both entered Gringotts. Tom was, of course, under a glamour. He had black hair with blue eyes. They walked up to a goblin and Leah politely asked, "I would like to meet the Potter vault manager, please?" The goblin looked at them and gave a small nod before calling another Goblin and leading them to Sharpclaw's office. On entering, Sharpclaw, without looking up said, "Hello, Ms. Potter and Mr. Riddle. Nice to see you here. Tell me how can I assist you?" "Still as sharp as ever Sharpclaw, I see," Leah said. "You flatter me, Ms. Potter, now down to business. How can I assist you?" Sharp law said his face turning serious? "Yes, we are here for an inheritance test I believe, right Ms. Potter," Tom said to keep it professional. Leah nodded. Sharpclaw said, "Alright then, let me just..." He opened the drawer of his desk and removed a dagger and a parchment. "Now just drop 5 drops of blood, Ms. Potter. Use this," He said giving her the dagger. Leah took the dagger and cut her palm, letting five drops of blood drop on the parchment.

Name - Leah Lyra Potter
Mother - Liliana Rose Potter neè Evans (Alive)
Father - James Fleamont Potter (Alive)
Siblings - James Jr Charlus Potter (Alive)
Core - Dark
Blood Status - Pureblood


Lord/Lady to:


Blocks, Potions, and Compulsions
80% block on Core Magic
95% block on Parseltongue
100% block on Parselmagic
100% block on Creature Inheritance
100% block on Animal language
100% block on Metamorphic abilities
100% block on Wandless Magic
100% block on Photographic Memory
85% block on Intelligence

Loyalty to Dumbledore, Order of the Pheonix, Weasleys, etc.
Hatred to Lord Voldemort, Death Eaters, Dark.
Fooling around
Love Potion keyed to Ginerva 'Ginny' Weasley

Marriage contract drawn between Leah Lyra Potter and Ginerva 'Ginny' Molly Weasley. (Nullified)

Creature - Dark Elf (40%), Neko (10%), and Dark Phoenix (50%).
Mate - Tom Marvolo Riddle - Vampire (60%) and Snake (40%)

Leah was shocked. No that was an understatement she was devastated. Her family was alive and yet they sent her to such a family who hated magic. She had a brother? Her parents were alive? She was being fooled? The people she considered family leaving 8 out had betrayed her? She was angry, sad, and heartbroken. She managed to say something in a very broken voice, "Is there a way to get those off?" Tom snapped out of his trance after Leah spoke. Sharpclaw also snapped out and said, "Yes Ms. Potter. Follow me." Leah followed him until they reached a room.

After an hour, Tom could hear screaming and he started growling. The goblins barely managed to stop him from storming into the ritual room and snatch Leah out during the process. A few minutes later, a goblin stepped out and allowed Tom to enter the room. He entered the room as if he had just apparated right there. He picked Leah up and headed back to Sharpclaw's office. They started discussing things related to Leah's heir-ships and lady-ships. Soon, Leah started waking up and now she was no longer a scrawny girl with her raven untamed hair and green killing curse eyes. She was more elegant now, her untamed raven hair was now more tamed and went to her waist, her hair was straight. Her green killing curse eyes shone more than ever with the thirst for power and knowledge. Her body had all the curves in the right places. She had pink plump lips, rosy cheekbones, the smoothest softest skin, her scars were all gone. She stretched like a cat. 

She looked up and Tom from where she was on his lap. She hastily got up and looked at both Tom and Sharpclaw. She got up and said, "Sharpclaw, can you make a new vault which only I can give access to and transfer all my money there. I would also like to see how much money is there in all my vaults." "Yes, Ms. Potter," said Sharpclaw. She said with a small blush, "Make it Mrs. Riddle or Gaunt. Whatever is Tom's surname currently." Tom gave a small smile and said, "It is Slytherin Sharpclaw." "Of course, Lord and Lady Slytherin," saying that he headed to Ragnok's office. Leah didn't look at Tom and asked, "When did you change your surname to Slytherin. I thought it was Riddle or Gaunt." Tom replied with a small smirk, "It was before you decided to be my Mrs. Lady Slytherin." She shuddered at his husky tone. He saw it and let out a small chuckle.

He pulled her in a side hug and kissed her temples and said "I will always be with you, Leah Slytherin." She looked at him and gave him a small kiss on the cheeks. Tom was about to say something when Sharpclaw entered with Ragnok. "Greetings, Lord and Lady Slytherin," he said. "Greetings King Ragnok," both replied. Ragnok said, "Now I heard Lady Slytherin or Ms. Potter said that she wanted all her money transferred into a new vault." "Ahh, yes King Ragnok. Yes, I do," Leah replied, "But first I would like to see how much money I have." Sharpclaw said, "Yes Lady Slytherin here." He handed her a list.

Potter Vault - 10,000,000 Galleons; 2,338,954 Sickles; 134,232 Knuts

Black Vault - 10,000,000 Galleons; 7,845,394 Sickles; 900,394 Knuts

Evans Vault - 234,000 Galleons; 8,587 Sickles

Lefay Vault - 100,000,000,000 Galleons; 900,000,000 Sickles; 98,647 Knuts

(rest are the same as Lefay)

Reading this Leah had all her money transferred to a new vault owned only by her. They also told her that she had received a letter from Dumbledore saying that Leah would becoming the next day to collect some money. She agreed on playing by the rules and went along with it that she would come again tomorrow under a glamour. Tom and Leah left Gringotts with a new card. This card could access the vaults. Leah removed money from the trust vault of Potter so they wouldn't be suspicious. They roamed a bit in Diagon and Knockturn alley before returning home with lots of clothes, shoes, accessories, a new snake (Posidian - Leah's new familiar), etc. After reaching home, Leah was heading to her own room when Tom stopped her and said, "Where are you going?"

Leah raised an eyebrow in confusion and said, " my room?" "Well, aren't you Lady Slytherin? Shouldn't a lady with her lord?" Tom said in a mock tone. Leah's face grew red as she realized what he was hinting at and slowly made her way to him following him to his room. She hurried in and grabbed one of his shirts without him looking and ran to the bathroom. Tom let out a chuckle and removed his shirt before laying in the bed waiting for Leah. Leah came out wearing Tom's shirt since she didn't wanna wear her own pyjamas. His shirt was big for her and came down to her thighs. She slid under the covers and was pulled by Tom's arms into his chest. Her face was now as red as a tomato and soon she was asleep because of the day's work.

(Don't be a pervert guys. I know you were thinking that they were gonna have fun but they just found each other. And we all love some consent right?)

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