Chapter 11

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The three landed in Riddle Manor. Leah and Tom were walking down the stairs when they noticed the three. Rushing down, Tom attempted to remove his wand but Leah hugged James like no tomorrow. James hugged his baby girl after a long time. Tom looked at the duo with a confused face. After breaking apart, Leah told Tom about how James never wanted her to go to her aunt's and wanted to raise her but since he was overpowered, he couldn't. He had come by a few times to see her. James told her that he was still bound to Lily through marriage and she could come and take him away. Leah used her Potter Ladyship and commanded the Potter magic that Lily and James' marriage was null and void and that James Jr. was disowned from Potter Family and they were to be removed from Potter Manor. 

With Lily and James Jr.

When Lily tried to enter the Potter Manor, it was letting her go. When JJ (James Jr.) tried, he also wasn't allowed. Soon, JJ felt something being ripped out from him and Lily's marriage ring vanished. Luckily for them, Dumbledore had 2 more inheritance sheets. 

Name - Lilian Rose Evans

Mother's name - Rose Evans nee Hufflepuff

Father's name - Hugo Evans

Sibling - Petunia Jasmine Dursely nee Evans

Ex-Husband - James Fleamont Potter

Children - Leah Lyra Slytherin nee Potter (Disowned)

James Jr. Albus Potter

Core - Light

Blood Status - Half-Blood

Lady to- Evans

Other's claimed by the rightful heir

Vault - Evans

Name - James Jr. Albus Evans (formerly Potter)

Mother's name - Lilian Rose Evans 

Father's name - James Fleamont Potter

Sibling - Leah Lyra Slytherin nee Potter (Disowned)

Core - Light

Heirship - Evans

Vault - Evans

To say they were fine was an understatement. JJ had been disowned, Lily's marriage was nulled and they had just lost a lot of funds. Lily only now came to know she could have been Lady of Hufflepuff and could have laws passed for Hogwarts and elect teachers. But, she couldn't take it back since it was claimed. They were now frustrated, if Lily would have taken an inheritance test earlier they would have lots of funds and an extreme place in the ministry. Suddenly an owl swooped in and placed a letter on Dumbledore's desk. He opened it and read it out loud, 

Dear Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump, Albus P.W.B, Dumbledore,

You have been called for the trial of Cornelius Fudge as the Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock, we would be seeing you there. It is to be held tomorrow at 12 noon.


Amelia Bones,

Head of DLME.

(Sorry this is short. The next one is long. I assure you.)

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