Chapter 15

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With Leah

Leah had also been busy like Dumbledore and Tom. She was busy handling the affairs of the students. Whenever a student would have a problem, he or she would rush to Leah before going to any teacher. She would talk to them about the incidents and then help them with the same. She also started a brewing club where Slytherins would help other students who found potions difficult or couldn't understand what Slughorn taught them. She had gained permission from the headmistress. Leah had also gone down to the chamber and had it cleaned by the elves. She reached the chambers of Salazar Slytherin and started training herself with his spells and magic. She learned so much from him that she now helped Snape teach children these new spells secretly. 

She formed a court that consisted of her as the Queen and Lady of the school. Her right hands, Draco and Ron. Her left hands, Hermione and Ginny. Her Bodyguards, (Who insisted) Crabbe and Goyle. Her handlers, Blaise and Theo. Her helpers and recruiters, Pansy, Daphne and Astoria. The prankers, Weasley Twins. The others were her followers, they're role was the simplest. Anything happening was to be reported to the court and the matter was handled from there. Teachers weren't informed of this and this reduced the workload of teachers. Wizarding Britain was bettering, everyone was happy except the Order of the Fried Chicken.

Now, Leah had another plan. She wrote down a letter to Rita Skeeter giving her all the juicy information about Dumbledore and a few ministry workers. The next day, the Daily Prophet was filled with that juicy information. Workers were fired and Dumbledore's titles of Supreme Mugwump and Chief Warlock was snatched. He was removed as the proxy of the underage children and other people were made the proxy. Dumbledore was made to pay fines and they were in debt. Order was not being functioned properly and everything was going wrong.

Dumbledore was frustrated. He had to find a way to get all the things to be done his way. He tried to create a theory of Marvolo Slytherin being Lord Voldemort as the last known Heir of Slytherin was Lord Voldemort. No one believed him because there was already a lot of mistakes and blames on his name. Rita wrote in the Daily Prophet saying that had the old man finally lost it. People also started thinking about this. But none of them knew that something good was more to come and Wizarding Britain would be one of the best Wizarding colonies of the world.

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