Chapter 4

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Waking up, Leah was confused about where she was, after remembering what happened the previous day her face was flushed and she tried getting up from the bed but was pulled back down by two strong arms around her waist. Today was 31st July, her birthday. She didn't expect Tom to remember since no one ever did. She was so deep in thinking that she didn't realise Tom waking up and back hugging her. She was brought out by her thought with Tom whispering. "Good Morning Baby~", he whispered in her ears. "Good morning Tom," she replied flustered. What he said next shocked her a bit. "Happy Birthday Love!" He said to her and kissed the back of her head. "Y-you remembered!?" she asked him with slight shock. 

He was confused and asked, "Didn't those muggles at least wish you a happy birthday?" She slowly shook her head in a no. Tom frowned at that. Even the people in the orphanage weren't that bad to not wish a child. He then whispered, "You're supposed to go Diagon Alley today." She realised what he was saying and gave a small nod. "I won't be able to accompany you today," Tom said giving a small pout to her. "Why?" Leah asked him. "I have paperwork to complete. But, I could Lucius and Narcissa to take you there along with Draco," Tom said while getting out of bed. Leah hummed but soon gasped as she was lifted in the air. Tom was smirking and Leah playfully hit his chest. She said, "Put me down Tom and let me go shower. I have a long day ahead of me."

Tom playfully threw her on the bed and she gave him a small glare before getting out of the bed and grabbing herself some clothes and a normal black cloak.

Tom playfully threw her on the bed and she gave him a small glare before getting out of the bed and grabbing herself some clothes and a normal black cloak

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(Replace the jacket with the cloak)

She came out and saw Tom with his heavy cloak on and he was in his Tom Riddle form. He looked handsome to her, she bit her lip and just observed him. She was brought out of her trance with a chuckle and heard Tom saying, "Like the view?~" She went over to him and hit his arm playfully with a red face. He hugged her and said, "Lucius and Narcissa will be here soon. Let's head down for breakfast." She nodded and followed him downstairs. After reaching the dining room, the Malfoys were already there and waiting for them. Lucius saw them and greeted, "My lord. Ms Potter." "Hello, Mr Malfoy. Please call me Leah. I am not a Potter anymore," Leah said with a little smile. 

Narcissa asked in a small confusion, "Not a Potter?" "Again Mrs Malfoy call me Leah and I am not a Potter anymore because I have taken up Tom's surname," Leah replied with a small red tint on her cheeks. Narcissa smirked and teased her, "My Lord's surname~ huh?" Leah's tint grew and everyone chuckled except Draco who was still shocked with his parents so kind to Pottah. Narcissa said, "If we call you Leah, you can call us Lucy and Cissy." Leah nodded and Draco said, "Wait hold up! What's Potter doing here and why are you all goody-goody with each other." Lucius then told Draco everything and he hugged her. 

"I am sorry Pot- Leah," Draco said. "It's ok Mal- Draco. Now you might wanna let me go before Tom pounces on you for hugging me," Leah told Draco. Draco immediately let go of Leah, scared for his life, while Leah just giggled. Soon after breakfast, the Malfoys and Leah were at Diagon Alley. Malfoys were going to Gringotts with Leah who was under a glamour. Reaching Gringotts, Leah saw the Weasleys and glamoured herself as a relative of Malfoy and told them to act as if she were a relative of them. They nodded and headed to one of the goblins. She overheard the Weasley matriarch argue with one of the goblins. She heard her say, "What do you mean it's empty. It was full the day before." The goblin whom she recognized as Griphook sneered at her and said, "I told you, witch the vault is empty and so are the others. Move along, you are creating huge chaos." And went to do his work.

Leah also noticed the Weasley boy (It is not Ron. In this ff, Ron has a twin, Richard. This is who I am talking about here. Sorry I didn't mention him before.) walk up to them with his sister and said, "Look what do we have here. It's Malfoy with his family and this beautiful lady." He went to grab Leah's hand but she pulled it back before he could even touch her. This angered him and he said in rage, "Do you know who I am?" Leah retorted, "Yeah, a bully with no manners." "I am Girl-who-lived's best friend's brother. How dare you talk to me like that?" he said. His sister then said, "You look gorgeous. How about you leave their company and come here Hottie." "I am sorry but Uncle Lucy was taking me shopping with Dray and Aunt Cissy. And I don't think I will abandon my family for some whore and a stuck-up brat. Bye."

With that, the Malfoys and Leah, head out with their money. Meanwhile, Richard and Ginny are fuming with rage and are red because of embarrassment. Leah dragged Draco into a trunk shop to buy a new trunk. She asked the shopkeeper, "Hello, I need a new trunk." The shopkeeper looked at her and showed her 5 trunks. One was a bronze one with 3 compartments, a potions compartment and no security charms. The second was silver with 5 compartments, a potions compartment and no security charms. The third was a gold one with 7 compartments, a potions compartment, a library with a capacity of 100 books and few security charms. The fourth was a  platinum one with 8 compartments, a potions lab, a library with a capacity of 1,000 books and a small apartment. The last one was a 10 compartment trunk with a library with a capacity of 100,000 books, a potions lab, a big apartment and a section for basic necessities. It was Rose gold and platinum mixed. It could have a lot of security on it. 

Since she had no idea what trunk had Hagrid bought her and she was rich. She chose the last one. The shopkeeper nodded and asked her if she would like any enchantments on it. Leah nodded and said, "Yes, I would like the strongest security charm which only I can open and I want the trunk in emerald green with white. I would also like all the security charms please." The shopkeeper nodded and told them to be back in an hour. He asked Leah to pay the money which was 1,000 Galleons. Not even a dent in her account. Draco took the platinum trunk with the security charms the same as Leah and added a bit of green and the Malfoy crest. 

Next, they went to Madam Malkin's for new robes. Madam Malkins greeted them and asked, "Hogwarts dear?" They nodded and she started measuring them out. She asked them for their houses and both replied with Slytherin. The Malfoys were a bit shocked as to why she said Slytherin and not Gryffindor. Madam Malkins couldn't see her crest on her cloak so she started asked them to come back after two hours. "Why did you Slytherin when you are in Gryffindor Le?" Draco asked. "Le?" Leah said with a smirk. "You called me Dray. I thought it would be better to call you Le," he said with a flustered face. Leah just laughed and said, "I was meant to be in Slytherin but with the compulsions and what I heard from Hagrid I begged the hat to put me in Gryffindor. When I go to Hogwarts, I'll demand a resort." 

They continued their journey. They again bumped in the Weasleys in Flourish and Blotts. "Look it's the pretty lady and the git," they turned around to see Richard with Ginny behind him. "Go away, Weasley. No one wants you here," Draco sneered at them. Richard said, "Whatever Malfoy. I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the pretty lady. My, My, I must say what a beauty." "Weasley are that stupid to comprehend what Dray just said. Go away no one wants you here," Leah said. Let's say Weasley went home with a cut on his leg and cheek. After collecting everything, Leah and the Malfoys headed home. After reaching home, Tom handed Leah a mirror. It was a two-way communication mirror. With that, both lovers went to sleep in each other's arms.

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