Chapter 14

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Dumbledore was now exhausted. It was not easy to attend the ministry meetings and then take care of the school. This new person in the Wizengamot who holds so many seats is ruining all his works, this guy's name is Marvolo Slytherin. Marvolo holding his fiance's seats which were all Hogwarts houses, along with Le Fay and Emrys and some others which meant he was currently the most powerful person in Wizarding Britain. The first thing he did was removing the creature laws and had manipulated the Wizengamot so nicely that whatever Dumbledore would say would be turned down. He had also tried to get him to join him but Marvolo had refused. Slowly after the creature laws were removed, where a creature was allowed to get a job wherever they liked. They weren't discriminated and they were allowed an education. Their needs were fulfilled and a separate council was made for them.

Marvolo had introduced a new law. Muggleborn witches and wizards when showed the first signs of magic would be taken from their families and their memories would be taken away. Then they would be put in magical orphanages where families would adopt them and they would be given a nice upbringing. Many of the light Wizengamot also liked the idea even when Dumbledore told them to oppose whatever Marvolo said. This law was passed without problems. Marvolo was also on the school council. With his fiance's ladyships, he had useless books which contained zero-knowledge banned and introduced new books which were cheaper and affordable than the books with zero knowledge. 

When Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts, his desk was filled with paperwork from the order and school. From the order he had some of his friends help him but for school he had some teachers help him. He would be working day and night, drinking pepper-up potions to keep him going and when we went to sleep, it would be morning. On Sundays, he wouldn't even come out of his sleeping chambers and spend the day there. Some teachers and Gryffindor house were worried for their headmaster. The usual cheerful headmaster would now come in the Great Hall with eyebags and wrinkles. One more thing that had made Dumbledore more stressed was when Leah had asked for a resort and was sorted into Slytherin. 

Slytherin house was now being accepted by other houses. They had stopped bullying people and instead helped fellow Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, even Gryffindors when they were being bullied by their own. They thought this was just a trick at first but when they got to know the truth, they asked for resorts and were sorted into Hufflepuff, Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Gryffindor was running low on talent and people. While other houses were flourishing with talents. Quidditch cup was won by another house then Gryffindor or Slytherin. But the house cup, whenever a Gryffindor would even breathe or do a right or wrong thing, Dumbledore would give them 50 points, but when other houses did extraordinary things he would give them 5-10 points and for Slytherin, he would deduct 50 points. 

This year he had Snape teach DADA, which was still people's favourite subject because they now saw how good and effective Snape's teaching was and it got drilled into their brains with full understanding. If someone didn't understand, Snape would either help them himself or have someone help them if he was busy. For Potions, Slughorn was a dimwit. Even if taught Snape and Riddle himself, let's say he was very weak now. Whatever he said never made any sense. Students would either run to Snape or Slytherins for doubts in Potions. Slughorn thought they understood everything he taught. 

The school was working well. But, one thing was wrong people couldn't reach their complete potential. Leah told this to Tom and he had a new law saying whoever entered Hogwarts had to take an inheritance test every year before starting school and it would be paid through school funds. The council tried finding where the funds went. When they did they were furious. Dumbledore was actually using the school funds for the Order. The council removed Dumbledore from the Headmaster post and Minerva was made the Headmistress. Turns out Dumbledore was also using Hogwarts as a place for Order meetings during holidays. He was showing injustice and was biased toward Gryffindor. 

Another mistake was blamed on Dumbledore, he was taking magic from children of his school. He had blocked the student's cores and slowly took their magic along with Hogwarts. Dumbledore's true colours were being shown to the world. Many people left the Order and joined the dark. Those who worshipped Dumbledore strongly still stayed by him. Dumbledore was shocked when his own friend and ex-Auror, Alastor Moody had left him. Dumbledore just wanted this Marvolo and his fiance gone. His many years of work was going to waste.

With Tom

Tom was extremely happy. His dreams were being fulfilled. Old traditions were coming back. Muggles were not coming into their world. Creatures were given rights. His hard work was paying off. Hogwarts was now making strong wizards like him and his fiance. Couples who couldn't bear children, gay couples, couples who didn't want to commit such a big commitment, single people who wanted children but didn't want to get married, adopted these children. These orphanages taught children unity, provided education, gave them nice meals, nice rooms, all facility was given to them. Abused children were taken from their families and put into these orphanages too. When they turned sixteen, they were free to roam the wizarding world.

These children usually bought a house together and lived there. All was good but he also had loads of paperwork from the ministry and his army. He needed to complete all of them too. Even with so much work, he would still have time to talk to his beloved darling every night before going to sleep. She would tell him stories of what was happening in the school while he rested, listening to her sweet melodious voice. Teasing her whenever he got the chance and chuckling seeing her beautiful face. When they stopped he would complete a bit more work and head to sleep.

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