Such Beauty

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Arthit Rojnapat, one of the most successful personal in Thailand was now in his car on his way to his house.

Everyone have thought of him as a happy kind of person because of his money and fame. True to that he isn't, something is missing in his life. At the age of 32 he still doesn't have a family of his own.

He always wanted someone besides his mother to be with him. In short, he wants to be in a relationship. He always failed dating because all of his dates just showed up because of his big name.

Every woman was the same, they always say that they like and will love Arthit for who he truly is without his money but no. No one really fitted his standards. He isn't bragging about how many girls he has let down, instead he got tired of hearing the same old words coming out from their amouths.

"You okay there Arthit?"

Tay, his driver and his good friend asked him looking through the mirror. Tay always see Arthit in this state but even though he got used to it he will always asked just to make sure.

"Of course I am"

Arthit answered smiling, he always says he is but his mood and thoughts always shift from not being okay to okay.

"I was just thinking"

Arthit added.

"Yes I know. Arthit, how about you date a guy instead of a girl?"

Arthit was taken aback, date a guy? He isn't gay for God's sake.

"Just so you know, I'm not gay"

"That's what I also thought before I met New, you know I also went through a lot of bullshits but when I ended up with him he became the truth to my life"

Tay said, he has witnessed Arthit let down every girl he has dated for not being "the one"

"I don't know Tay, it's just new to me. I have never dated a guy and again, I'm not gay"

"I'm not forcing you man, I'm just saying to try something new because maybe with the same gender you can find the happiness that you have been wanting for 32 years"

At some point Tay's words make actual sense, but Arthit isn't gay. Arthit sighed to himself, let's call it a day for thinking too much. He then looked out the window again and their he saw flowers being selled in hand by children.

"Tay, stop the car I want to buy my mother some flowers"

Tay nodded and hit the breaks, he also wants to buy some flowers for his husband.

"Hi, can I see the flowers?"

Arthit said as the kids nodded their heads. There were roses, red and white to be specific. There were also bouquets. He looked at Tay's direction and saw that the man has already chosen a flower.

"Uhm sir? I have daisies with me"

Arthit looked to his right and there was a guy with a dirty face but he can see through those dirt. He smiled and his smile was reciprocated by the kid. He's around the age of 20 or so. Arthit kept staring untill his sanity got lost at those alluring eyes.

"You're so beautiful"

Arthit absentmindedly said, the teen widened his eyes and Arthit faked a cough after realizing what he just did and said.

"I...I mean your-the daisies that you have"

The teen nodded and smiled.

"Am I not beautiful now?"

The teen said and Arthit choked on his own saliva before he nervously looked at the teen.

"You are, very"

The teen smirked to himself, this mister is really good looking too.

"It's only 5 baht...unless you don't want it"

"No no I want *you* the daisies"

The *you* was only inside of Arthit's mind, he heated up because of that. He finds this teen really amusing.

The teen handed him the daisy but it got Arthit's heart racing because their fingers brushed. It sent butterflies, huh! Oh my is he gay?

No I'm not gay, not gay not gay- Arthit repeated the words but stealing a glance to the teen blew all those words off his mind. His face formed a smile when he saw the teen smile at him.

Such beauty.

A/N: Hey sweeties, got another story here. Just going to try my best TO NOT! Write that much smut because I'm scared and worried okay! My story might get taken down.

So here it is, happy reading 🙄🌹

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