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As we were arriving back to our place, yes it's "ours" because what's mine is his. As we arrived my cheeks were still burning red, I can't believe I was being jealous. Like, why am I affected?- I sighed, not really knowing what I'm feeling.

Kongpob ran upstairs getting ready after I told him dinner is almost ready. I smiled at how he skipped upstairs smiling knowing he'll enjoy my glorious food once more. I smiled to myself as butterflies were fast to swarm my insides I'd do the same if I were in your shoes- I smiled like an idiot.

"Dinner's ready!"

I shouted softly, I can hear the door closed as I can see Kongpob smiling from ear to ear giggling softly, obviously excited because duh who wouldn't get excited when I cook?- I thought as I smiled to myself bragging.

"Mm, smells good as always"

I smiled at his compliment, I always liked it when he likes what I'm doing. It always satisfy me knowing he's enjoying whatever I'm doing.

"Oh please, no biggie...but please continue?"

He chuckled cutely as he brought the spoon close to his mouth eating what was on top of it.

"Wow P, your food always taste so good"

I rolled my eyes even though I was liking his praise, I always want to hear it every time. He gives me... courage to do things.

"Mmhm, get used to it. I'll always be cooking for you"

I said and I can see him blush.

"T-thanks, you don't-"

"No, I'm not gonna start with this conversation again baby boy"

I said and he nodded giggling. I then settled right in front of him. I love to see him smiling while eating, it flutters my heart whenever I see him enjoying. I stared at his mochi cheeks as he chews the food.

"Stop staring P"

He said blushing and I laughed a little.

"Did I stare?"

"Yeah, it's creepy"

He said smiling.

"You hate it?"

I dared to ask.

"Not really"

He said winking at me. Fuck- I thought.

"Want to stare at me once more?"

He added raising an eyebrow at me and I gulped.

"Well mind if I do"

He blushed, we continued teasing each other untill we finished our meal. It was bedtime now as I settled in my bed, closing my eyes as I recall our teases back at the table. I smiled again letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


I saw Kongpob bobbed his head behind the door.

"Something wrong?"

He came in, I just leave my door open thinking Kongpob would need something.

"If you don't mind... can I sleep with you tonight?"

He asked looking shy.

"I don't mind at all, even if you sleep with me every night"

I said smiling before scooting to the other side making room for Kong. He closes the door before settling beside me, we layed side by side facing each other.


He asked.

"Of course love"

I said, he blushed then he pouts.

"Has anyone ever told you how cute and alluring you are?"

He nodded playing a playful smile on his face. When did I became so flirtatious?


He whispered softly.

"Glad it's me"

I said smiling, brushing his hair. I so wanted to caressed his cheeks but I it might be creepy, I have to wait- no I didn't have to wait any longer to hold his cheek because he brought his hand on top of mine pressing it to his cheek.

"I'm nervous P"

He said leaning to my touch.

"What if I fail my exam?"

He said worried closing his eyes pressing his face more into my palm. I then smiled dearly to him.

"Impossible, I'm confident myself that you could get through that exam. Believe in your self just like I believe in you"

I said as my heart raced when he engulf me with a hug.

"I needed that"

I then laced my fingers in his locks, we fell asleep side by side. Comforting each other, cuddling.

A/N: Uhm, yey! Two chapters in one day. Pheeyu! So uhm, well *cries in embarrassment* the real reason is because *chokes at my own fucking saliva* I'm excited! Know why? Because this story is so innocent, PLOT TWIST! No it's not, I wrote a smut chapt in this story and I'm excited to publish THAT chapter, omayghad omayghad omayghad!

 Pheeyu! So uhm, well *cries in embarrassment* the real reason is because *chokes at my own fucking saliva* I'm excited! Know why? Because this story is so innocent, PLOT TWIST! No it's not, I wrote a smut chapt in this story and I'm excited to pu...

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And well, after that "smut" I'll put in more because I'm a delusional bitch and everything is sexual to me! No offense innocent ones😸

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