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Sipping into my cup of coffee as I flip another chapter, reading this really interesting story entitled "Alpha And Omega". It made me relaxed myself as I dive more into the story, guess I'll be taking this baby with me. I walked towards the lady in charged and asked her about it and she agrees.

I then walked back to my seat, it's still early though. I walked untill I reached my seat to only find out it is now taken. Can't this guy see that there is still a cup of coffee there? Obviously indicating that the table still has an owner?

Wait, you must wonder how a famous person like me can get in here without people surrounding me right? Well a fine cap and specs wouldn't hurt.

As I was saying, I approached the guy who is still sitting in my table.

"I believe this table is still taken?"

I started, but when he raised his head my breath started to hitch.
You have got to be kidding me, what the fuck universe!- I thought.

"Oh mister turtle"

"E-excuse me?"

It's the kid who offered me daisies, you have got to be kidding me. All I want is to relax and now this beauty is here, here with me!

"Oh you look like a turtle, a handsome turtle though"

He said before giving me a wink making my insides crinkle. Keep it cool Arthit Rojnapat- I told myself.

"I'm sorry for sitting here hehe, I can leave if you don't want to share though"

He said starting to tidy his things up.

"W-wait, no you can sit here. It would be rude of me to make you do that"

Great just great. Now I'm gonna have to pretend reading my book when all I'm going to be doing is steal glances at him. I say it because I know it.

"Oh, well thanks Mister Turtle"

"It's Arthit actually"

But he only nodded hid head, does he not recognize me? Maybe not, that's a good thing though.

"Alright then P'arthit, so tell me, did you like the daisies? Oh and my name is Kongpob by the way"

He said, Kongpob huh? Nice name, if I look like a turtle then this beauty right here looks like a lion.

Cute... wait no! He's not cute, him? No! But he is though hehe- I thought, fuck.

"I surely did, good quality. So what are you doing here?"

I said, looking at him as he flips another page of his book.

"Studying, I'm still a student. Also, we are having a test in two days"

He answered.

"Oh, better study hard then"

"Yeah, and be successful like you"

I looked at him and our eyes met. We stared into each other's orbs before he looked at his book again. He only looked down, guess he knows me after all.

"I'm... I'm gonna go now"

I said before packing my stuff.

"Nice meeting you P'arthit. You talking to me already completed my day"

He said as I nod nervously, why is he making my insides crumble. Ugh! I continued nodding before I stupidly turned my back at him. As I walk I can feel his gaze at me, so I looked back and I was met by those alluring eyes once more. So irresistible.

I got inside my car and slammed my head on the steering wheel. Keep it together Arthit, you aren't gay- yeah right Arthit. I then noticed water pouring as I looked at the library's direction. I don't know why but I waited, not for the rain to stop but for... for Kongpob to get out. Maybe I could give him a lift?

Arthit what's happening to you?! Why do I sound so desperate and feel so needy? Why do you act stupidly and speak so awkwardly? ARRGGH! Once I was done arguing with myself, it took me 30 minutes, pathetic I know. I looked at the library once more and I can now see Kongpob making his way out. It's still pouring cats and dogs.

Fuck- I thought before starting my car and deciding to give Kongpob a ride. I then stopped my car in front of him, he seemed confused at first so I scrolled down the window, he smiled at me raising an eyebrow. Gosh he'll be the death of me. I chuckled shaking my head.

"Get in Kong"

Kong... that sounded so fucking good.

He got in before looking at me.

"I thought you already left?"

He said smirking at me.

"Guess not, couldn't really leave someone when it's raining heavily"

He smiled and blushed, felt really good making him blush though, felt satisfied.

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