At His House

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Damn it it's raining again, it was really nice of Mister turtle or let's say Arthit Rojnapat. Yes I know him, but I also know how to act around famous people to not create any commotion.

I sighed looking at my papers, it's still raining heavily. Where will I go now? I packed up all my things and went outside. Dang it's still raining heavily. I stood there for about a minute and a half when a luxurious car stopped in front of me. Who could this be?

But to my surprise it was P'arthit.

"Get in Kong"

And I did, I thought he has to go? Why is he still here. I smiled at him raising my eyebrows.

"I thought you already left?"

I asked, he swallowed an amount of saliva before answering me.

"Guess not, can't really leave someone when it's raining heavily"

I smiled sweetly at him, really? Such a sweet guy. Never knew someone could do this to a homeless kid. Yes it's true, I don't have a family nor a house. I am an abandoned child.

"Tell me where you live and I'll take you there"

Where I live, I used to live with my Aunt but she got tired of me and left me just this morning- I thought, I stayed quiet. Then I felt a hand on my thigh, I looked up and met P'arthit's eyes.

"I... I really don't have a home"

I chuckled, I do that when I'm saying things about myself. I laugh because I didn't want them to laugh at me first. All my life I have been humiliated in front of people but thanks to my big brain I got to justify that I'm not as worthless as they say I am.

"Hey, don't laugh it's not funny"

Wow, he gets me. He knows what I need in response. I placed my hand on top of his and caressed it. He feels warm.

"Thank you, you are the first one to ever say that"

I said.

"I wish I'll be the one to say it last"

I heard him mumbled, I blushed. Did he mean it in some way? I just didn't say anything because I think he thought that I didn't hear it.

"Kong, you can come with me and spend the day in my house. Would you like that?"

This feels too good to be true.

"Would I like that? I would love that P! But..."

I said. It will be too much trouble, he has already done so much for me.

"Please, I don't want you to be on the streets while it's raining"

He pleaded, awe so cute. Cute? No no, not cute! Oh please he totally is- I thought shaking my head.

"Okay if you insist"


Once we have arrived, he opened the door for me. Ooh such chivalry. I walked while my eyes were roaming around the house. I didn't pay attention to where I'm going causing me to slip but luckily P'arthit was there.

"Careful love"

Wait, just to make it clear he said love right?

Ugh, butterflies are here again, for fucks sake. I can see him widen his eyes probably realizing what slipped out of his mouth.

"I mean I..."

"It's okay P' it sounded sweet really"

He awkwardly smiled and I blushed. He was still holding my waist though, so I touched his arm making him let go of me.

"Go take a bath and I'll show you where your room will be"

He said and I nodded. I took a warm and relaxing bath. Careful love- I thought of the words again, my tummy got butterflies again it's making me insane. It's just his polite words why so worked up Kong?

I sighed before getting out of the shower to check out my clothes...
For fucks sake I'll be wearing this?! While I roam the house? You have got to he kidding me. It was only a large gray T-shirt and a pair of shorts, oh ho really tight and short shorts!

"Whatever, better than nothing"

I said before I got out and went downstairs. I was met by P'arthit who was wearing his nightly gown cooking in the kitchen. I smiled to the smell, it's been a while since I've had good food.

I then approached him from the back and held his waist.

"What are you making?"

I asked peaking from his back as my hands were resting on his waist.

"Food, for you...and me"

I smiled, no one has ever done anything like this for me. It felt overwhelming causing me to hug him tightly from the back.

A/N: Hey guys, sorry for the late/random updates hehe.
So...can you guys drop your twitter accounts? I wanna interact with all of you 😺

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