Wonderful Breakfast

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I woke up stirring my body from left to right but then I remembered I have someone else with me so I stayed put. I fluttered my eyes open as I looked at the time, it's already almost seven. I woke up extra early today because I have an important meeting.

I stood up before going to the bathroom as I stood there spacing out while looking at myself in the mirror. I will be responsible for him. I will take care of him. I won't let him feel like he's an outsider in my life.- I said to myself, after hearing Kongpob's hard past I realized how lucky I am to have such amazing parents, I realized how lucky I am to get to live in this amazing life.

I'll make you happy just like you made me happy. I'll comfort you and protect you till my last breath my Kongpob- I thought as I nodded my head looking down. I will keep my words and will do anything and everything for him.

I proceeded to take a shower and cleaned myself before going downstairs to make some breakfast.


As I am flipping my pancakes I saw Kongpob sleepily walk down the stairs, he looks so cute while rubbing his eyes.


He called out my name as he flickers his eyelids. Why do I find every little thing he does cute?

"Yes I'm right here, good morning"

He smiled at me before skipping towards me sitting behind the counter.

"Ooh pancakes, looks good and smells good!"

I chuckled.

"It also tastes good"

I told him and he giggled, it's sweet to hear his voice. He just completes my day without even knowing it. How did I got so luck? So lucky- I thought. Very lucky to have this small bean with me, always accompanying me and just...gets the best in me.

"I'm sure it does! Can I have a taste?"

He asked me smiling. My heart fluttered.

"No, you have to wait. It's not ready yet"

He pouted, cute.

"But P~~"

He whined and looked at me with his puppy eyes. I sighed, who can say no to this cute baby? Surely not me, so I gave in.

"Okay okay, jeez"

He smiled swaying his body. I took out a knife and a fork as I started to get a bit of the pancakes before feeding him. I can see his eyes glee in amaze as he closed his eyes to savour the taste. I chuckled, just so cute!

"Mmm, so good! I want more"


"But P~"

Fine, it ended with him eating five pancakes before me. I smiled at his every movement from the way he brings the food to his mouth, how he eats it, how he closes his eyes in satisfaction. He's just adorable in my eyes.


I started, he then turned his attention to me.

"I have a meeting today, will you be okay being alone here?"

I asked him.

"Oh yeah sure P, I also need to go to the library. I still have an exam"

Oh yeah, so I nodded before approaching his face. He stopped amd stared at me for a while as I felt his breath hitched, I then wiped some smear of maple syrup off his luscious lips. I did it, I toughed his lips!

He then moved his head blushing.

"You look so cute like that"

I said as he bit his lips.

"I'll give you a ride back here later okay? Stay safe sweets"

I then quickly went inside my car and slammed my head on the staring wheel sighing. Seriously? Did I really became as sweet as strawberries to him?- I thought, relax Arthit. What must he think of me now?- I asked myself again, I hope he doesn't get uncomfortable because I don't know what to fucking do if he does.

I them shrugged all my thoughts off before driving off to get to my meeting. It already began as I apologized to them before taking a seat. I must admit all this time while my eyes where on the person talking but my mind is with Kongpob. What are you doing to me doll?

I felt relieved once the meeting was finished, I couldn't wait any longer before driving off to my way to the library. It was just a seven minute drive, I got there faster this time.

As I entered the library my eyes then automatically searched for sweet guy Kongpob. And there I spotted him sitting in the corner away from people. As I approached him my steps were stopped when I heard a feminine voice called out his name quietly.

"Hey... Kongpob right?"

I was a little far but that didn't stopped me from hearing. I saw Kongpob nod and the girl giggled. Why the hell is she giggling? It was just a simple nod ugh. I rolled my eyes. Not to be disrespectful but I already hate this girl, not to be possessive but I don't want to see Kong with somebody else than me! Especially with a girl!



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