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So as all of you may already know, I invited sweet guy Kongpob into my house. Oh thank god my mother lives in another house or she might bicker so much. I changed into my night ware and went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare food for sweet guy and I.

The food is simple really and I'm confident it will taste so good you might forget your name. I smiled to myself looking at the food I'm cooking. Good job Arthit, it's been forever since you tasted your own food- I told myself, I'm a fan of talking and arguing with myself. It makes me happy, you wouldn't understand though because you don't talk to your self ugh.

So you must think that a guy like me has tons of maids right? Well your wrong. Actually I don't have any, well only one, her name is May but she only comes two times a week to clean my house and a driver which you already know is named Tay. Ooh that fucker!

So as was saying. This looks so good Arthit- I said in my mind nodding my head. Oh please, tell me something I don't know- I replied to my self making a bragging face while I playfully roll my eyes.

I was in the middle of a chitchat with my self when I see Kongpob making his way behind me. Why is he the- my thoughts were cut out of surprise. Did he just gripped on both sides of my waist?

"What are you making?"

He asked peeking behind me, he...he is so cute!

"Food for you...and me"

Awkward! Gosh Arthit why are you slightly malfunctioning in front of him?- I asked myself. Um I don't know, maybe because it's him? What a mystery this is- I thought sarcastically answering myself.

But then he hugged me, hugging me so tightly and squeezing me. Oh he feels so warm and I smiled unknowingly.

"I...I-wow no one has ever done so much for me like you did! I... don't know what to say"

He said slightly choking in his own tears, oh dear he's tearing up. I do feel so fucking special right now.

"Really? I'm special then"

Ooh love that! Love the flow of words, nice one Arthit- I praised myself, I can hear him chuckle as his arms around me tightened once more.

"You are, very"

Now that made my words leave my body, oh butterflies! They assembled once more, why is it so fucking good to hear and honestly, I'm enjoying his words, enjoying him...


He voiced out.


"Can we stay like this for a while? I mean, you can say no but it's been forever since I felt this..."

My heart skipped a beat.

"Felt what exactly?"

I asked.

", comfortable... happy and- I can feel h-home"

We were silent for a while but it isn't awkward. Then I heard him chuckle... sadly.

"I'm sorry, I made things more awkward for us both"

He slowly removed his hands but I was fast to hold it.

"No, I like it...too"

I said, he placed his arms around my waist once more. Hugging me more as I can feel him burrying his face on my back. This feels really good, no one has ever hugged me like this. It felt so...sweet.


"Ever since I opened my eyes to welcome this world I didn't see my parents. I grew up with my Aunt, she became my mother and father, but life isn't as easy as that. She did fed me, put clothes on me and took care of me but she always say that she's tired of me.

She always make me feel like a big burden which I was, I had enough of her words but didn't say anything, instead I looked for a job and I did. It only lasted for a month though, they fired me because of my hectic schedule. Then I came back to ask help from my Aunt once more.

She lended me money again. I owe my entire life to her though she makes me feel worthless, she makes me feel like I was a pain in the ass, she makes me feel that I was a mistake, that the reason why my parents abandoned me is because I was such a fucking... fucking big mistake...

School was no different, they bully me for being dirty. They bully me for not having any parents, they bully me for my looks, my clothes... my everything. I even thought of just ending my life but... but I decided not too. Instead I worked hard and studied hard making me the top in my class and got me a scholarship.

The reason why I laugh at myself when I'm telling people the truth is because I don't want them to laugh at me first. It pains to think that people look down at me"

He said while I listened as tears were starting to build up. I turned off the stove and hugged him, tighter this time inhaling his fragrance, sweet as him.

" with me I won't say anything like what your Aunt said, I won't scold you nor make you think less of yourself. You are beautiful, you worth no amount could ever have. You' are perfect in my eyes"

He let out an overwhelming laugh and I felt so satisfied.

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