He Was Right

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Will I let him?- I asked myself, it would be rude to let him down right? It would be rude to say no right? But I feel so... I don't know what I'm feeling honestly. Things are going too fast, why is he making me confuse? He's bugging me, bugging my mind...my heart.

I mean, how? How can he be doing such things to me? Tending me, comforting me. Why? Why is he doing this? More surprisingly, to a nobody like me. Nobody- Right, I'm just nobody. I'm just the vendor he set eyes on that night, just a person he pities.

Stupid- He is just doing this out of pity right? There can't be any other reason. He is a good man, and a good man knows how to help people in need, but... he's giving me all my needs in my life.

I looked at him as he is still holding my arms with sparkles in his eyes. What must me be thinking right now? Why is he smiling at me like I'm his everyth....No, stop it Kongpob, you're being delusional again- I said in my mind.

"Kong...will you let me?"

I got out of my thoughts as he asked me once more. Looking deep into me. Yes P'arthit, do as you will with me- Oh I so want to say yes. Yes yes yes, it's easy to say but is it worth it? Am I worth his time? Am I worth his attention? Do I worth something to him?


There I said it, I can see him smile lovingly at me. My heart then skipped a beat after he lets of these words.

"I'll give you everything you want, I want to see you happy"

I'm already happy with just you P- I thought, I so want to say that out loud but I kept it in.

"Why P? Why are you...d-doing this?"

I asked him, he thought for a while before looking at my questioning eyes.

"I suddenly had the urge to be the cause of your happiness"

I smiled to that.


He nodded.

"Yes sweetie now come here and let's go to sleep shall we?"

I blushed to what he just called me. I closed my eyes as we both drift into our dreamland. What a good dat this day is. Everything is moving so fast but is in the right time and moment. I smiled to my sleep as I thought of the person who was occupying my mind all day. P'arthit


I woke up in the middle of the night, I looked at sleeping beauty who was peaceful beside me. I can't believe it. I was confused at first on why I asked him that And I want to do more- ugh cringe Will you let me?- ugh butterflies for Pete's sake! I shifted looking at Kongpob's sleeping face and smiled unknowingly.

Weird, I suddenly had the urge of wanting to touch those red slim lips of him.

I smiled to myself thinking of things I want for both of us to do together. Oh yeah, another reason why I asked him that is not only because I want toake him happy but also because I want to spend time with him...

I sighed, what am I doing? What am I fucking doing? Don't I sound so needy right now? Maybe not but still! This cute small bean right here is making me feel emotions I have yet to feel. Comfort for one, two is affection and three is...attraction

Yes, everytime I'm with him is just me wanting to throw myself at him and not really knowing why. I'm confused, so confused to why I let this beauty get in my life. I felt Kong move and I can see him stirring towards me. I smiled to myself once more, so fucking cute- I thought as I sat and rested my back on the headboard.

Tay was right.

"Hey you fucking piece of shit, I can't believe I'm saying this...UGH!!!!
1:23 am

"You were right dude, I... I think I'm slowly finding happiness from..."
1:23 am

"A guy...."
1:24 am

1:24 am

"Alright, I now accept my defeat ತ_ತ"
1:24 am

So yeah, I texted him, can't believe his right though.

1:25 am

"Oh you're awake hehe"
1:25 am

"Of course I am, I woke up withna bunch of texts from the one and only Arthit Rojnapat finally saying he's gay"
1:25 am

"I'm not gay... I'm just happy when I'm with him
(/¯◡ ‿ ◡)/¯ "
1:26 am

"Yeah you're not gay...."
1:26 am

"Not yet( ꈍᴗꈍ)"
1:27 am

Ugh!- I thought

1:27 am

"╰( •̀ε•́ ╰)"
1:28 am

"You should go back to sleep dude, sorry for waking you up hehe"
1:29 am

"Nighty night mother fucker"
1:29 am

"Sweet dream asshole (*˘︶˘*).。*♡"
1:30 am

1:30 am

I chuckled before turning off my phone as I layed down and felt Kongpob's movement.


He said in a raspy voice.

"Go back to sleep Kongy, I'm right here"

He smiled before he snuggled closer to me, at first I was surprised but thought that I too wanted this.

A/N: Progress!! Am I the only one who found Tay and Arthit's conversation cute? Let me know your thoughts because I love reading your comments. Infact I love it so much that I might develop a kink out of it😹

Love ya guys! Mwuah! Mwuah!
Ew, okay bye.

Yeah bye...


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