All Night Long

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Upon stumbling at their house, Arthit and Kongpob kept their lips attached not really bothered about the fact that they kept on pushing and pulling each other causing a few items to fall and break. Apparently their little hanky panky at Arthit's office wasn't enough and decided to Hey, let's fuck one more time.

The two of them kept ravishing each other at some time, one moaning and one groaning. Both lost at the world of lust, it's just that they are really horny for some time now and fun fact! They both have been wanting this for a while now and both are just big cowards to make a move.

Arthit kept on nibbling on Kongpob's now fluffy lips as he took this opportunity to roam his hands all over the younger's body. He kept on sucking biting and licking it making Kongpob squirm under him. He likes to dominate and loves hearing his partner mewl, squirm and whimper under his touch. Kinky? He doesn't know, he'll let you decide for him.

You must be wondering, "where are they at this very moment?" Well, let me tell you then. They are in the middle of the stairs, that's right folks. The horny dudes are in the middle of the fricking stairs. Now you must wonder once more "What if they accidentally trip and hurt themselves?" Hmm, that could happen but the two horny dudes seem to be pretty, so very, a lot, very, very horny to even think about that.

Arthit then thought that he is now growing tired making out with Kongpob in the middle of the staircase and decided to lead both of them to their room and guess what? They are still devouring each other's lips. Oh gosh, wet noises can be heard echoing around the house, how could kissing be this loud?!

"Oh god P'arthit please..."

But Arthit didn't pay attention to Kongpob's pleading, he only continued to undress both of them. The two horny dudes just reached the bedroom and now are busy taking their clothes with the help of their shaky hands. Arthit groaned I'm so fucking horny right now I could use a rolling pin and pleasure myself - he thought but luckily he has something much much better than an object.

He smirked thinking about the things he so want to do tonight, he could fuck Kongpob against the wall, he could fuck Kongpob on the floor, in the bathroom, in the bathtub, or just on the bed. He stared at the panting beauty beyond him.

"Ahh please..."

Without saying anything Arthit sucked his own fingers but after making sure of Kongpob to look at him as he suck and lick his fingers as if it's a popsicle. Kongpob's breathing was already uneven just by seeing his P'arthit sucking his own fingers, preparing them and wetting them to finger his awaiting hole.

When Arthit took his fingers out of his got mouth, a string of saliva was visible making Kongpob moan and Arthit smile seeing the effect of it on Kongpob. He then took no time to finger his little doll faced baby making Kongpob grunt. A finger became fingers, Kongpob moan feeling the slender fingers going in and out of him.

"So tight princess"

Arthit said before sliding his dick inside Kongpob's tight puckered hole. Kongpob moaned aloud at the sudden intrusion, his eyes rolled up because of how huge and long Arthit is. Tears started to take over his fluttering eyes, he took a deep breath before welcoming all of Arthit.

"Ahh, it hurts..."

"That's only half of it baby"

His eyes grew wide, half of it? Yes it's still only four inches and another four to go. Kongpob gasp and moaned a high pitched moan when Arthit thrust his whole length inside the younger without even a warning. Arthit cursed at how tight Kongpob is.

After Kongpob gave him the go signal he then wasted no time into pumping his member in and out. Kongpob's tears are now dry as he still managed to smile unknowingly at the pain now being replaced by the undeniable pleasure sex can ever offer. It might not be his first time but it still felt new to him, literally because Arthit's shaft kept growing by the second.

Then Arthit with ease flipped Kongpob to his fours and his ass up on the air. Arthit smacked causing Kongpob to hiss in pain and afterwards the pain became a shiver because Arthit shameless kissed his ass. He blushed and moan desperately while Arthit rubbed his member against Kongpob still tight opening.

"S-stop teasing and put it in!"

Kongpob heard Arthit chuckle but all his senses shut down when Arthit plugged his length all at once making Kongpob shake.

"Faster P ahh...deeper!"

He now discovers he's a slut for Arthit's big and long shaft. Arthit obliged Kongpob's request and thrusted harder making both of them grunt at the overflowing pleasure traveling in their body. Both of them moaned feeling their body weaken, not long after they released making Kongpob feel as warm as hell.

"That's it P! Blow that babies inside me"

Arthit's member twitched inside Kongpob after hearing how dirty Kongpob's words are.

"You're going to be the death of me"

They smiled at each other and kisses started to occupy the moment as they started once more for round two, neither of them was near on planning to go to sleep. Oh no, they are doing this ALL.NIGHT.LONG

Arthit them thought:
Table? Check
Bed? Check

A/N: I like how I'm giving this shit a lot of smut ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

Hey babes, would you like to have smut one shots? Cuz I want it! And yes maybe I'll publish my nasty shots hihi😌🙌🏻

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