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I couldn't sleep after we exchanged our I love you's. Was he for real? I was perhaps wrong about him, I thought all this was just because of simple "mercy" of him for me but no. If you think about it, it's actually attraction.

How we cuddle, how he smiles at me for no reason, how he norrows his eyes whenever I'm with someone else...jealosy? May was right, how can I be so stupid? P'arthit likes me.

But what about me? Do I like him? Everyday I'm always looking forward to seeing his vibrant face. I look forward to his touches, I look forward to him... All this time we have been blindly attracted to each other.

It's only been day but our bond is as big as the universe already. I smiled, P'arthit likes me- I thought as I looked at him laying beside me. I went closer and studied his face, his handsome face. I caressed it and he wiggles slightly opening his eyes.

"Why are you still up?"

He asked through his sleepy lids. I giggled at how hard he wants to open them.

"I can't sleep" to

I whispered.

"Want me to sing you a lullaby?"

He said smirking with his eyes closed, I just simply shook my head. Even in his sleep his still a flirt.

"P'arthit, don't be mad I'm just gonna do something stupid"

He looked at me confused. I smiled and clashed my lips against his, I can feel him smile against me and that made be blush. We didn't pull away just yet, instead we savoured the kiss never wanting it to end.

It's my first time kissing someone so I really don't know what to do. He licked my lips sending tingles all over my body, biting my lower lip as he plugged his tongue inside my hot covern.

I moaned as we kept on nibbling with each other before he pulled out for oxygen. He smiled before looking at me, thank god it was dark or he might have seen my red as a tomato face. I blushed so much and all words was stuck im my throat, not to add my pounding heart.

"That wasn't very stupid"

My breathing hitched, I have never been this heated with someone. I wasn't really thinking straight as I hovered on top of him kissing him once more. He held my ass grinding out hips together. I moaned at our overstimulated bodies. The tension is visible.

"P'arthit mm..."

I moaned against his lips.

"I got you babe"

I trailed my kisses on his cheeks to his neck. I started biting uncontrollably, he moaned and groaned. I bit his neck, sucking and licking it aggressively.

"I'm sorry"

I softly mumbled.

"No need to be sorry, I'm enjoying it"

He smirked before pulling my lips to his. I sat on top of him as I let my body be enveloped with his. We stayed like that for a while before he entangles our body and places me beside him.

"Go to sleep baby"

He said with light kisses.

"But I want to kiss you more"

I pouted and he chuckled before pecking my lips.

"You can kiss me all you want but you still have school remember?"

I nodded before scooting closer to him.

"Sweet little baby, now go to sleep.

I closed my eyes smiling as I can feel my heart blossom with love. I like him too, more than he could ever like me. I love him, I want him and it's no surprise that I'm already addicted to him.


The next morning I groaned not feeling P'arthit's body beside me. I fixed myself before going downstairs, I can see him cooking. I smiled at the thought of how he always cooks me and stays behind just to get me to school despite that he also has a company to take care of.

"Morning sweet cheeks, how's your sleep"

He asked me as I went closer to him, he snaked his arm across my waist as I placed both my hands on his cheeks. He kissed me, it was so breath taking, literally I was the one who pulled out for air. He sucked all of it out of me.(◠‿◕)

After breakfast, he drove me off to school. I got out as he opened his window, I smiled before pecking his lips before walking inside the campus. I can feel my heart race with my blood rush.

"Wow, you look bright today, did something happen?"

I sae6 May with Oak beside her both giving me a teasing smirk.

"Yeah you look crazy smiling on your own"

Oak exclaimed. I only chuckled.

"Tell us Kong!"

"We demand an explanation!"

I laughed at them.

"I kissed him dammit!"

They were quiet before proceeding to tease me and asked non-stop questions about how it went, how we did it and how it felt. I blushed listening to all of it, so this is what having friends feel like.


Leave comments ugh ugh!~ they kissed for fuck's sake

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