Jealousy in the Library

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I didn't move any further and stayed on my spot, thankfully the library isn't full of people. Hmm strange- I thought. I pretended to be finding a book in one of the shelves. I got nearer and nearer to Kong and the girl.

The girl handed him something, it was a cup of coffee and I can see Kongpob thanking her as she smiled humbly. I took out a book not really knowing what I just pulled out and took a seat a table away from them.

"I'm May by the way"

I heard the girl May said, Kongpob smiled at her. Why the hell are there so much smiles?- I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"You're that really smart guy from Engineering right?"

She asked Kongpob, so Kong wants to be an Engineer.

"Yeah, we're in the same faculty"

Kongpob said.

"Oh... I didn't know you noticed me"

May said giggling and her blush is as clear as water to me.

"Well yeah, you always stand out"

May blushed more as Kongpob only sipped on his cup. I frowned hearing that, is it possible that Kongpob likes her? I mean, he notices her and...and she always stands out. My heart sunk as I sighed.

"Thank you, you always caught my attention do you know that?"

May raised her brow.

"Well no, never really thought anyone would really notice me"

I notice you Kong, I'm here....

"Well I'm here Kongpob and I noticed you"

My heart ached, it pained me to think that I'm not special anymore. That someone more attractive is talking to him giggling at his words. May also said the same words in my thought, it hurts me but I don't know why. Who is he to me? Why am I so affected?- I asked myself. Pride and possessiveness overcome my body as my eyes darken, I can feel it.

So without any further ado I stomped my feet approaching them. I hate how I can't even control my emotions, I hate how I can easily loose control over my body. I hate how I'm actually getting... jealous.

"Oh P...?!"

I can see him smile but frowned looking at my hands who are currently gripping on his arm with my irritated look to add to that.

"P what's wrong?"

He asked confused, I sighed. Why am I doing this? I look so desperate. I don't care.

"We're leaving"

"What? Why?"

All these while May was staring at us.

"Just... let's go Kong!"

I aggressively whispered norrowing my eyes. He whimpered but I couldn't care less.

"But I'm still studying!"

He whispered.

"Well then take all those books and let's go"

I said dragging him out, he didn't even got the chance to pack. I don't care about how I look right now but I don't want to see him here, with a fucking girl who's obviously flirting with him.

"P'arthit let me go!"

He protests trying to get loose from my grip. I didn't say anything only tightening my grip more.

"P...P let go, it hurts..."

It hurts, I'm hurting him- I let got of his hand not facing him. We are in a corner with no one but us, between the book shelves. I didn't faced him for I am ashamed, how dare I told myself to make him happy when all I'm doing is giving him pain right now.

"What's going on P'arthit?"

I didn't answer.

"Are you mad?"

I stayed quiet.

"Are you angry at me...?"

I could never be sweetheart.


Came my short and cold reply still my back facing him.


He reached out to me. I only sighed before facing him.

"I'm sorry it's just...just that I hate seeing you with others but-but me"

He smiled.

" mean May?"

I nodded ashamed.

"She's just a friend of mine P"

"You two were clearly flirting!"

I yelled whispering. He chuckled.

"I'm sorry"

I added. He then came closer and closed the gap between us with a hug.

"It's okay, I'd do the same if I were in your shoes"

My heart skipped a beat...

A/N: what do you guys think about this chapter? It gives me tingles even though I have read this chapter for like... 1, 2, 3. 3 times already. I don't know, it made me smile. Did it made you guys smile too? Ooh I want to crap myself!

 Did it made you guys smile too? Ooh I want to crap myself!

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Heck, this is so me and my ass smiling.

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