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The moment I woke up my heart started racing, when I saw my P'arthit beside me, flashes of last night crept my mind. Massaging my temple then the thought hit me, I'm naked... he's naked! Oh right, we were too exhausted last night. *Wink wink*

Feeling tired I scooted closer to him cuddling and finding warmth. Rubbing my buck naked body against his made me as hot as Venus. Was I seriously rubbing myself to a sleeping Arthit Rojnapat? - I asked myself in disbelief but do I regret it? Shucks, no!

Feeling him moving I realized that I was giving him so much motion. He looked at my pouting face, funny right? First thing you see in the morning is a pouting flushed face. He smiled at me and I just rolled to my side with our now position. Yeah, he's spooning my naked ass right now.

"What got you pouting early in the morning?"

He asked me but I just rolled my eyes, he can't see it though. Then the thought hit me... I smirked to myself pretending to whine while I rub my ass against his dick. Too childish? Nah, I'm just feeling needy hehe.

"My ass hurts..."

I said and he laughed. Are we laughing now P'arthit? I then rubbed myself more onto him, I blushed when I felt his cock starting to stiffen. I almost let out a moan when he roughly took my waist pulling me and my aching ass closer to him. I don't mind though. I just continued to what I'm doing, too embarrassed to face him.

"I suggest to don't do that, or I might add additional pain to your already aching body"

Feeling a little scared I stopped and he hugged me spooning me. His dick was still slightly alive making my face unbelievably warm. I was giving mercy to my ass who's experiencing sharp pain right now. Seriously? How rough were we last night? Oh yeah, so rough that it almost rip me in half.

So...now that we are finally boyfriends, my heart can't seem to stop blooming. I smiled and faced him as he hugged me tighter.

"Want some breakfast?"

He asked me starting to roam his hands all over my body making me whimper at the sensation. I let out a small moan when his strong hand landed on my ass slapping it as I burry my face in his chest.

"No... clean me first"

I said against him. He then kissed my forehead before standing up to prepare a relaxing warm bath as he said. I just smiled to myself thinking how lucky I am to have him. It took me awhile though, it took me awhile to really process and realize my feelings for him. I was confused but all those confusion was worth it.


I whined wanting to have contact with him. I'm already needy, I'm starting to starve for him, yearn for him. Find him, his touch, kiss and body.

"Yes love?"

"Are you done? I want a bath~"

I whined more as he bobbed hiss head from the bathroom. He just smiled at my whining, I like his patience. I'm whiny and he's patient, I'm childish and he's mature. We deserve each other. Well what can I say? Opposite attracts.

He walked towards me and I threw my arms over my head wanting him to carry me. He smiled and I blushed after he told me how cute I am. I kissed his neck on our way to the tub, I kissed and continued kissing him not able to stop.

"Hey...hey, sit in the tub while I make food yeah?"

"No, stay with me please"

I smiled.

"I might not be able to hold it baby"

"I don't really mind"

I continued to grin as he sighed in defeat getting in the tub while I stared at him. I felt hot, well aside from the warm water there was something else that's rising.

"P c-can you..."

"Can I what?"

He asked smirking at me probably knowing what's wrong with me. Well because I'm hard.

"Can y-you suckme"

I whispered.


I'm pretty sure he heard me.

"Suck me...please"

I begged him wanting his lips being wrapped around my little junior, like I said I'm craving for him every second that it's making me bold. He smiled before leaning towards what's between my legs, thank god the water was only in half because I don't want him to die while doing it.

He then started to caress my thighs making me moan at the contact. Then he began with kitty licks...

Funny right? How I can fully write the gay s*x thing but I can't write a simple sucking action.
Toodles 😔🤙🏻

Shokingly I still have an update 😎👌🏻

jejeha ba yawa

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