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School was almost done. I was walking down the hall with these two little birds that can't stop their chirping.

"What are your plans for later guys?"

The teacher gave us a break after that stressful exam so we have a week of we time.

"Nothing much, maybe stay in my dorm and chill. How about you Kong?"

Oak looked at me.

"Bleh, I'll just stay home"

They started smirking for no reason, such strange creatures.

"I'Ll jUsT sTaY hOme"

Mimicked Oak.

"Yeah, wItH mY bOyFrIeNd"

Added May, I playfully slapped them making them laugh at my pink face. Boyfriend- are we boyfriends now?

"Whatever guys, just think of whatever you want to think"

They giggled like two little fan girls.

I then received a text from P'arthit saying that I should go to him, to his company? I replied with a quick "okay" before heading off. I went to the given address and once I've entered the place I was awestruck at how magnificent this place look, formal yet dashing.

"Kongpob, right?"

I looked to where the voice came from. It was a good looking tall man. I nodded.

"I was the one who texted you by the way"

He said.

"Oh, so what do you want me to do here...?"

"I'm Tay, Arthit's close friend. Well, I want you to go to his office and...help him out with his little problem"

He smirked, I blushed. What could P'arthit be doing? So I nodded and went to the top floor where his office was said to be. I was about to knock on his door when I heard moans. Is...is he with someone else? My heart clenched but raced afterwards because I heard him moan my name. Is...he jerking off with the thought of me? I blushed rapidly.

I opened the door, his back was facing me, he's too drowned in the sea of pleasure that he didn't even notice me. I smiled.

"Ahh shit K-kong!"

I blushed when he moaned my name. Naughty! Very naughty!

"You know P, you can always come to me"

He helted his actions as he faces me, embarrassed. He tried to speak up but I was fast to kiss him. I sat on his lap as he gripped on my ass squeezing it making me moan.
I started to take off his garments.

"Do you r-really want t-to?"

He asked me.

"Oh shut it P"

I said before undressing in front of him. I can feel the burning gaze as I took my off my clothes slowly letting him feast on my body.
I leaned once more before I kissed him, our breathes hardening because of the heat that's rising in our body.

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