Thought of Him

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I don't know why but I just suddenly woke up with a bright smile on my face and peaceful thoughts running in my head. I'm usually not a morning person, however today got different.

All day I thought of random things like our sun's name being Sol, our moon is called Luna in Latin, Selene in Greek and the other one, I forgot. I thought of why there are planets not just in our solar system but all throughout the universe.

I wondered about how ugly those crab-slug looking creatues that roamed the earth before the dinosaurs. I wondered if God only created Adam and Eve or did he made other humans? If it was only Adam an Eve how come we have different genes? Did we develop or something?

I even wondered if God created Adam and Eve and Adam turned out to be gay and for years they were just best friends and humanity ended...

But, I also thought about that kid yesterday. He effortlessly cought my attention and now his face can't seem to get off my mind. What is it with that boy that I can't get over with? Was it his daisies? Was it his voice? Was it his smile? Or simply, was it he himself?

This isn't right, my mind is not letting go of him. My brain is telling me to go to him, my own brain kept patronizing me that I should go see him, that I should be with him. I'm getting too attached to him and funny thing is, I only saw him yesterday and now I'm yearning for him?

No no no! I'm not gay! Not gay, not gay- I thought of those words again but his smile though, oh his sweet sweet smile that sent me butterflies. His voice, his flirty and teasing voice that made my sanity left my body.

I smiled but frowned afterwards, what just happen? Did I just smiled at the thought of him? ARRGH! What is it with him?

"Maybe with the same gender you can find the happiness that you have been wanting for 32 years"

Tay you piece of shit! I'm getting cranky so I called the person who is the root of all these.


I yelled at the phone.

"Woah, what's wrong man?"

Tay replied, seriously? How chill can he be and I'm here going crazy about...about that kid!

"Don't man man me, you and your fucking words are driving me insane. You! You son of a bitch. You planted this thought in my mind huh and now I kept repeating your words-"

My words got cut when the other line let out a laugh. Really? A laugh? A fucking laugh? I suddenly want to kick this beloved friend of mine in the nuts.

"Woah woah woah bro, slow down. I don't even know what you're nagging about"

I sighed. Fucking son of a bitch- I thought as I rolled my eyes.

"Remember what you told me yesterday that I should just date a guy instead? Well-"

"Let me guess, you thought of it huh?"

The fucker said before laughing.

"Don't laugh!"

"Okay okay, oh god Arthit. It's that kid with daisies isn't it?"

Tay said.

"Wait how'd you know?"

I asked him.

"Well my eyes are fast dude, I saw and heard everything"

I let out a sigh once again. I really can't do anything can I?

"It's your fault you know"

I said.

"And how is it my fault?"

"Well your fucking mouth spit out words that got sucked by my brain and now I can't stop thinking about it and what's scary is, I think I might consider it!"

He laughed again. Ugh!

"Your laugh just makes me want to punch you more"

I said sternly.

"Okay okay sorry"

"Tay I'm not gay!"

I yelled at the man.

"Arthit, I have watched a few BL series and that's what the guys always says but guess what? They end up with a guy for Pete's sake"

"Fuck you, I'm not in a series you... you dipshit!"

I said frustrated. He just laughed, again.

"So what are you gonna do now?"

He asked.

"I think I'm just gonna clear my schedule today and go to a library or something"

I said before he said "okay" and cuts the call. I took a tiredly seat as I inhaled and exhaled, before I stood up making my way to a library. It has been a while since I read a book. I hope this relaxes me though, I need a time out.

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