Night Out

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It has been weeks since me and my P'arthit became official. I must admit it has been the best weeks of my life. I'm currently waiting for May and Oak, surprisingly the three of us became unbelievably close. With May teasing me and Oak...well all he does is make perverted jokes.

"Hey K-man!"

Oak shouted my so called nickname.

"Please don't call me K-man, it's uncool..."

I trailed my words. He gasped while May chuckled.

"The audacity! No one has ever complained about the nicknames I call them"

He turned his back at us rolling his eyes.

"Don't be like that you moron"

May said, while I chuckled he turned to us and planned to hit May but he didn't succeed.

"Okay, so both of you already know that it'"

"Yeah we get it it's your birthday now get to the point"

"Okay okay jeez, how'd I even end up with the two of you. Okay, I'm inviting you two to celebrate with me! In a club! Yey!"

I looked at May while she looks at Oak, is P'arthit going to let me go to a club? I've never been in such a place full of people before.

"I don't know..."

I said but seeing Oak's dejected face made me guilty, it's his birthday after all.

"Okay okay yes, I'll go but May is coming also and I have know, ask permission?"

Oak's face lit up and May gave me a teasing look.

"Okay do whatever you need to do but I'm expecting you there okay K-man?"

I sighed and nodded. Both of them bid their goodbyes while I got in the car P'arthit sent me. The drive was quiet as I kept on thinking how my fate changed so good that I ended up with a person like Arthit Rojnapat. Can you even imagine? I don't even know such a person like him thaf has a big name.

Nevertheless I'm not wasting this. Upon arriving at our house I noticed it was still dim. Maybe he's not home yet- I thought walking inside roaming my eyes trying to spot him. Not finding him I went straight to bed while I slump my body feeling tired all over.

I took out my phone and dialed P'arthit's number.

"Hi sugar, what's the matter?"

P'arthit said from the other line.

"I want to ask you where you are P, where are you?"

I asked.

"Oh babe, I'm still at work. Don't wait for me and go to sleep-"

His words were cut when I heard a woman's voice asking "Ready hotshot?", ready for what? And hotshot? She also sound so... seductive.


I whined.

"Oh sorry sweetheart, I still have a meeting"

"Okay I love-"

Then he cuts the call, he didn't even say he loves me. I guess he's busy- I thought to myself, I didn't even got the chance to ask permission to him.

Whatever, he's with that seductive lady anyway.

I thought as jealousy crept on my body, I'm also feeling disappointed. Why am I even feeling this anyway? I frowned, who's that lady anyway? Is he seeing someone behind my back? Fuck, he must be cheating on me with that lady! Or maybe he isn't and the lady just wants his attention and is a hoe.

Still, so I texted Oak saying I'll be there in a bit. I'm not even caring if he gets mad or whatever he's gonna feel. This is jealousy talking and the fuck do I give a damn. I just stood up got dress, luckily I know how to style myself so I'm in a skinny tight clothing making sure that it centers my perfectly round bum.


"Hey Kongpob- omayghad you look hot"

May said staring at me, Oak on the other hand with wide eyes he eyed me from head to toe making me crimson red.

"Let's get this party started, I suddenly am feeling playful tonight"

I said giving them a wink, both of them exchange looks but just shrugges. Not long after did I drown myself in alcohol with this guy asking me for a dance, I can't see his face clearly but that's not my problem. I do wanna dance so I stood up before shouting "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU ARSE!" while kissing his cheeks. Leaving him stunned and a giggling May.

Let's have some fun shall we?

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