Treat [B/B]

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After loosing my temper at that awful waitress, I commanded another one who would respect my Kongpob. I mean, he deserves to be respected just like how he respects everyone else. I don't understand how anyone could possibly judge him, look at him, he's very astonishing, charming and alluring.

I smiled remembering how he placed his hand on top of mine attempting to ease me so that I won't go any further with my little tantrum. How he caressed my knuckles while saying "that's enough", it sent my heart to an oblivion pieces of satisfaction.

After our food was served, I decided that I would want to have a little conversation.

"So, how was your exam Kong?"

I asked, he lifted his head looking at me with his onxy eyes, and smiled looking back at his food once more.

"It was good actually, greater than I expected"

I nodded.

"I see, what do you think about it?"

I asked not taking my gaze off him.

"Honestly, I think I did great. Well mostly because I knew all the answers, and you were right, I did make it through that exam"

I smiled.

"You look really dashing today P'arthit"

He said looking at me while smiling.

"I know, I am"

He chuckled while I smiled.

"You are"

He added, flushed face while looking down at his food. He thinks I didn't noticed his tinted face, but I pretty sure did. He's so cute and it's such a privilege to make him react like this.

Once we finished our food, we took off. It was still 6:27 pm, it's still early so I thought I'd take him for ice cream. I can still remember his excited face in the mention of ice cream. Despite his age, behind that matured face he still is a baby. My baby to take care of- I thought to myself as I smiled at how good that sounded.

We arrived at the ice cream shop, I can see Kongpob's eyes glisten while looking around at the flavors. It took him a while to decide, we even argued on what was better. I simply smiled at his childishness, he's so cute, so... inviting. Woah there Arthit, he's adorable don't be perverted- I smirked licking my lips.

I took him for a walk in the park, how I love the peaceful night sky. All I want is to inhale cool breeze, that's why I took both of us here. We both walked beside each other while he encircled his hand around my arm.

"If you get to have one wish P, what would you wish for?"

He asked all of a sudden as he rests his head on my shoulder while clinging on me.

"I'd wish for... Happiness"

I said looking up to the sky.

"Are you not happy right now?"

"I am, especially because you're with me. It's just, even at the age 32 I still don't have a family of my own. I just want someone that I can call my better half, mate, love of my life"

He looked at me.

"You prefer what gender exactly?"

He asked.

"Why? Would you like to volunteer?"

Hah, beat that. There's no wat he can reply something as heart pounding as that- I smirked.

"Would you agree if I say yes? Or am I late?"

My heart stopped, blood in my body stopped running as I stiffened on my spot. My heart skipped a beat, it made my insides crumble. Is he for real or is he teasing me? I couldn't tell because he isn't smirking, he's just... looking at me innocently.


He smiled before hugging me once more. We stayed like that for a while, neither of us wanting to talk. We just stayed like that, complimenting each other's warmth and comfort. Home- I thought. ", comfortable... happy and- I can feel h-home"- I recalled his words, now I know how that feels.

"We should be getting back, its late don't you think?"

I looked to where he's hugging my arm. I can see him engulfed at the sight of the moon.


The drive was quite quiet, my heart was still pounding on my chest. Was he serious? Because I'd agree without thinking. I'm already captivated by him. I'm not sure if it's comfort, satisfaction, attraction, liking or... already love that's drawing me to him.

Once we got home, he immediately slumped his body on the bed while I chuckled. We decided that we'd just sleep together, not really knowing the reason why but all I know is that I want to be with him.

We layed besides each other, we just stared at the ceiling for a good 9ne minute before I looked at him.

"How about you sweetie, if you were have one wish, what'd you wish for?"


He answered right away.

"I wanted to be loved, I grew up with rejection and pain. I just want to be taken care of. I want to feel that I have someone with me. Love comes with patience, acceptance, care, understanding, worrying and I just want to experience that, even just one of that would be okay. I just want... someone who loves me, who gives me... affection"

Hmm, I think I know who that person Kongpob has been wanting for.

I scooted closer to him.akd hugged him, he burried his face on my chest as I roam my hands all over his back.

"I love you Kong"

I said without any further ado, I can feel him stiffen.

"I-I love you too P...arthit"


A/N: "I think I know who that person Kongpob has been wanting for" *chuckles* we also know who that is Arthit, ugh I am loosing it. I can still remember that I wrote this, already 1:02 in the midnight and there I was fantasizing about them🤭

Look guys, I'm not really good with details so if you will notice something being sudded it's just that... I'm not a good writer😭
Anyway, please leave comments because I suddenly developed a fetish🥳

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