Treat [A/B]

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Oh finally the day is almost at its end, what a frustrating, nervous and tiring day for me. I think- no, I'm confident that I did good at my exam because when I looked at all tge questions, I knew the answer right away.

"You can get through that exam"

My mind drifted back to P'arthit's words.

"I just did P"

I answered no one as I smiled. I walked down the hallway passing through a few students with anxious faces. I'm glad I studied, because if I didn't I'd be losing my mind right now.

"Hey Kong!"

It's her, again.

"Mm, yeah May?"

I saw her walking up to me with someone, a guy. I think his name ixs Oak.

"This is Oak. Oak, Kongpob, he's my friend"

May introduced both of us to each other.

"You must be 'Mr. Smarty Pants' "

I just smiled and nodded.

"How'd the exam went you guys?"

May asked the both of us.

"It went pretty well with me to be honest, most of them were easy"

I said confidently.


"Yes expected"

Oak and May said simultaneously. I chuckled.

"Well it was hard for me, my mind just drifted to every thing I see. I was even distracted with a fly!"

"Also expected"

May said, we laughed heartedly as we walked near to the street. I wasn't paying attention to where I'm headed so I didn't really notice that someone was there with his eyes norrowed eyeing me and my friends. I kept looking down when May elbowed me causing me to look straight.

"Is that... OMG IT'S ARTHIT, THEE ARTHIT ROJNAPAT! Guys, guys are you seeing this? Wow interesting..."

Oak said trailing his words. I can see P'arthit with his stern emotionless face. What's wrong with him? I look at May who raised an eyebrow at me smirking teasingly.

"Just to be clear, he's looking at us right?... RIGHT!?!?"

Oak yelled at our faces making us scrunch up.

"Yes oh great Oak, he is. He's looking at our Kongpob here to be specific"

May smirked. I saw P'arthit turned his back at us and going inside his car. It's time for me to bid my goodbye.

"See you guys!"

I said walking towards his car.

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