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I opened my eyes hearing the alarm. My heart raced thinking that today it the day! It's the day of my exam, oh I hope I know what I'm going to do, this is a "big deal" kind of exam because it's where my final grade would be based.

I sighed. Believe in yourself Kong, you can do this- I thought. I nodded my head after swearing that I am and I will going to pass this exam. I stirred out off the bed as I felt an arm laced across my waist, I blushed after seeing P'arthit's sleeping face while his body is attached to mine.

"P, I'm gonna be late"

I started, I can see him scrunch his face cutely.

"No, staaAyY~"

He whined.

"But I'm gonna be late"

I said against his ear blowing hot air against it. He frowns putting his hand on his now red ear, well now I know his sensitive part. He flutters his eyes open looking at me, out faces only inches away from each other.


I said greeting him.

"Morning sweetheart"

I blushed, he loves calling me sweet nicknames. it too. I moved away from him letting him stretch his body before standing up and leading both of us downstairs.

"Eat your food and stop worrying will you love?"

He must've notice me eating unusually slow.


I mumbled softly before he stood up getting close to me.

"Believe in yourself hmm?"

I nodded but blushed afterwards because of him wiping his thumb against my lips and once more our faces incredibly close.

"Go and change, I'm going to drive you to school"

I nodded shuffling myself running upstairs because, well I'm shy! He's so sweet words that I can never get use to.

As we drive, silence devoured our ride. Me being anxious and him being weirdly quiet, I sighed.

"You okay?"

He asked and nodded, he then took my hand into his.

"Have faith in yourself hmm Kong?"

I nodded. We arrived as I went out of the car, looking at my school letting out a breath.


I looked back at P'arthit.

"Believe in yourself darling"

UGH! HIS NICKNAMES ARE KILLING ME! LIKE LITERALLY!- This man is going to be the death of me.

"I'll do my be-"


My words were cut when I heard May call out my name. I then looked at P'arthit who was rolling his eyes before bidding his goodbye and taking off. I chuckled.

"Hey May"

"Who was that?"

She asked, what am I gonna say?

"That was"

"Arthit Rojnapat?"

She said questioning me. I sighed defeat.


She smiled.

"You're lucky you're close with him, what's your relationship with him anyway?


"Uh.... friend"

I said feeling my cheeks burn.

"The kind of friend who would get jealous?"

I looked at her taken aback before I chuckled awkwardly. Hehe auwkwaerd!- I thought.

"I saw that Kong, you guys are like foolish teens who's slowly falling in love with each other"

She giggled.

" love?"

I asked, heh uhm in love? Him in love with me? Bullsh-

"Yes in love, what do you think is the reason behind his jealousy?"

If you think about it, yeah why was he jealous? And why do I feel like I would feel the same if ever I would see him flirting with someone else?

"Indeed Kong, these are confusing times isn't it?"

She said and I glared at her.

"You know, we're going to be late"

She giggled before we took off, I didn't even feel that nervous because my mind were occupied with May's words.

Could it be?

A/N: Okay this one's a shorty, sorry loves!

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