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Please... Please be 21+ okey! Don't read the sensitive part if you don't. Hahaha

// Y/N POV //

"Good morning, babygirl. How's your sleep?"

Baekhyun smiled at me while he was on top of me. I brushed my eyes and look at him. How can he smiled like this when i was in scared? Because of him?

"Nice... Can you moved off from me? You're too heavy."

"Of course i'm heavy. I'm heavy with these muscle."

He show me his abs and his hand while i pushed him to the bed. I stand up and streaching my back while look at him back.

"I've make a breakfast for you. Come on.."

"I don't want to eat."


I didn't answer his question and walked to the bathroom. I don't want this happen to me. I don't like him. And why the fuck that i was talking to him like nothing happen?

He just destroyed my kingdoms... And making my boys gone. No one know about them. And my power was gone too. What is going on now? What did i have to do?

The new Devil was appeared. And it was my fault that always thinking that black magic will never appeared after i killed Jae Min. But now, someone was back with black magic... And destroyed my life.

Every people in my kingdom was hoping that i will saved them from this situation, they didn't say it. But i can saw it. Their reaction was really hopeless and it was making me feel guilty.

Why did i can be calm in this situation? Why i was talking to him like nothing happen now? Ouh wait... I remember his words last night before we enter the stage.

"Babygirl... You better behave infront of them. If you don't want to see they died, you better do what i say. Okey, Babygirl?"

Geez... I don't like it when he was calling me that. The only one that called me that is... Yoongi. Yeah, all of them were giving me a nickname. And Yoongi was choosed to call me babygirl.

Ouh my... I already miss them so much. I want to see them. Did they still alived or not? I was being nothing without them. I need them. And they need me too.

"Babygirl? Are you there? You have been in there for 40 minutes!"

I sighed and wash my face. I open the door and revealed the Byun Fucking madafaka Baekhyun. He was standing infront the door and smirking as he saw me.

"Let's go babygirl. I'm hungry..."

"I'm not hungry. And don't call me that. Only Yoongi can call me with that name."

"He calling you that? No babygirl... Only i can call you that. Why? Because you're mine now. Understand?"

"I will end this, Baekhyun. I'll searched my power back and my boys back. That time, you'll died."

He smirking and walking closed to me. Ouh god... How i hated that smirked. I wish i can get rid that smirked on his face soon. I really do...

"Listen here, Babygirl. You... Will never get your power back. And about your boys... I've kill them."

My eyes gotten wide after he said that. N-no... They are still alived!

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"They're died... I'm not lying. You can asked Momo about that."

He said as he reached for my hands. I slapped it away and he was looking into the floor. I can tell that he was mad right now.

The Seven Black Swan - BTSFF  [ Sequel For The Son Of The Devil ] ☑️Where stories live. Discover now