T W E N T Y - F I V E

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"This is not the way that i want to say goodbye... My bestie."


"Then... What about those Seven King, Dad?"

"Just like the titled in here...Those seven king has known as The Seven Black Swan who has served under her until now."

"They has known as The Seven Black Swan because they have a wings just like a swan?"

"That's right, my son. It because the curse from demon Baekhyun still working on them, and Y/N has cancel the cursed until it became their strength."

"Can i know more details about their power? Who knows that i can meet them one day?"

"They're not exist, my son. It just a tale... But i'll still tell you about it."

His son sit down on the bed, while his father take a seat on the chair near him, and hold the book closed to him.

"Kim Seokjin... The Avatar of Lust.

Min Yoongi

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Min Yoongi... The Avatar of Sloth.

 The Avatar of Sloth

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Jung Hoseok... The Avatar of Pride.

 The Avatar of Pride

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The Seven Black Swan - BTSFF  [ Sequel For The Son Of The Devil ] ☑️Where stories live. Discover now