T W E N T Y - O N E

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2 days ago

"But how? I don't know how to be a demon..."

"But first... You need to allowed your heart to be a demon lord, Y/N. It's useless if you're not willing to be one."

You sighed, knowing that there's no way you can't defeated Baekhyun with your elemental power. It's didn't give any effect to him since he was a true demon.

"I am dad... I'll do everything for my people, and i'll protected the people that i loved. Tell me... How to be a demon?"

He staring at you, as he smiling when he meet your eyes. He know his daughter is fulled with a spirit, and willing to do anything for their people.

The same spirit that he has a long time ago.

"I assumed that Baekhyun has revealed the way how he can be a demon, right?"

You were thinking for a while... And it hit you hard when you remember back at the Waste Island.

"Did you mean... That i need too... Gained a soul as well? A human soul?! I need to kill a human?!"

"Not only a human has a soul, My dear. Even that you defeated a low-demon, you will gained a soul as well. A human soul is the weakess, so what happen if you gained a soul from a monster?"

"Human soul is the weakess? So you mean that... The strongest the soul that we gained, the more power we can get?"

He smiling, knowing that her daughter was smarted and can catched it in one second. He nodded, while you were being in shocked, knowing these truth.

"That's why Baekhyun can only evolved to the mere demon. He only gained a human soul, and he can't killed a creatured that he created by himself. He need a billions human to be the high-demon. And there's more high above it...

"There's more?"

"The high rankest in demon world... Is a Demon Lord."

"D-Demon Lord? Are you serious?!"

"Even a goddess can't defeated them, and they can lived for a thousand years."

"So... Is there a demon lord that exist in this world?"

"It is... But they will come out if only they want. They've promised to not disturb the earth and find their own world for living. You might meet with them if you became one..."

"Meet them? How? Will they know if someone has turned into a demon lord?"

"Of course... The skies will tell the world about it, introducing the new demon lord."

You looked down, as you know it was a risk to be one. You will lost everything, and be in a different world from now on. But you let out an heavy sighed, looking at your parents and sign him that you agreed.

"So... I just need to kill a thousand stupid creature, and evolved into the demon lord, right dad? But... Where can i find it?"

The Seven Black Swan - BTSFF  [ Sequel For The Son Of The Devil ] ☑️Where stories live. Discover now